Chapter 9 - First time? Pt. 1 (YO THEY FUCK IN THIS CHAPTER)

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Trigger warnings:

Just unnecessary violence and allat

Next thing he knew, Y/N opened the closet and Jack pulled him in. Jack shut the door behind them. They were completely hidden inside the closet, there was no place he could run.

"Got you now, motherfucker.." Jack whispered.

"You don't scare me." Y/N whispered back just as quietly. "Who are you anyways?" Y/N tilted his head.

"Wha.. that's not how.. I'm Jack. You just had to ruin it." Jack said with a disappointed tone.

"Oh so you're the monster that attacked Nasiir.. listen, can you just let me go? I'll do anything for ya."

"Anything?" Jack asked mockingly.

He threw Y/N on the hard and cold floor, making a loud thud.

"Why don't you suck my dick you little bitch?"

Y/N's eyes seemed to light up. "Wait.. r-really? You're asking me..?"

Jack's face morphed into a confused and disgusted expression. "Wh- no- that's gay.. I'm not a fucking gay person.." Jack scoffed.

"Oh but Jacky..~" Y/N sang. "You're doing everything wrong, you know~"

"What the fuck is your problem?! Shut up. I'm leaving before I give in to this sick shit. I was just joking.."

Y/N grabbed Jack's ankle while he was walking away, which made him stumble and fall. "Ow.. my- my fucking leg.." He groaned, pulling back.

"We're too far into this for you to reject me now, Jack~" Y/N cooed as he crawled closer towards Jack.

"No wait.. wait Y/N wait! Stop.. please stop!!" Jack begged.

Y/N pushed the weakened entity in front of him over, so that he was lying on his back. Y/N straddled Jack, sitting on his hips. Y/N smiled down at Jack, who was struggling to sit up. Y/N moved his hand down Jack's body, until it rested right above his groin. His breath came out heavy. "You know Jack, I really like you, I think we would be a cute couple~"

Y/N began to undo Jack's shirt (yes jack does have clothes and I can't explain why) and started kissing the exposed skin below Jack's neck. Y/N smiled as he felt Jack twitch and convulse underneath him. "I want all of you.. You're such a beautiful specimen, Jacky.. So pretty.."

Jack couldn't help whimpering, trying to get out from under Y/N. "Stop... please.. please stop.. I don't want.. this.." His breathing grew heavier. He tried pushing the man off of him, but his arms were shaking too badly. Y/N chuckled. "Oh my god, I didn't know you were so sensitive, my Jacky Wacky..~"

Y/N took Jack's shirt off and tossed it aside. Jack's torso was covered in bruises, scars and cuts. "Oh? What are these?" He touched one of the wounds carefully. Jack gasped and squirmed. "Did someone hurt you, baby?" Y/N looked down at Jack.

Y/N began to kiss every single injury, occasionally biting and licking.

Jack didn't like this at all. He attempted to push Y/N off of him again, but in response, he got socked across the face. Jack's nose started to bleed and he felt lightheaded.
Y/N grabbed Jack by his wrists and pinned them above his head. Jack whimpered. "Let go of me.."

"You're getting a bit too pushy Jacky.." Y/N said as he pulled out a tiny, pocket-sized bottle of sanitizer. "This is gonna hurt a bit.."

Y/N unscrewed the cap and dumped the alcoholic liquid onto Jack. "AAAAAHHH FF- GGHH.."

Y/N smiled as he watched the helpless thing begin to sob under him and tossed the empty bottle to the side.

"Seems like you were weak in all these fights.." Y/N said as he traced a few scars with his free hand. "Are you gonna be weak and submissive for me?~" He let go of Jack.

"Y- y.. you monster.. I'm still a vir.. virgin.." Jack managed to stutter.

"Maybe if I spill some more of your blood you'll be a little more obedient.." Y/N said as he cracked his knuckles. Y/N grabbed the weakened entity and dragged him towards the wall. "One last chance jack~"

"No.. th- this is.. this is ra-" Jack was cut short, when Y/N smashed his head against the wall several times, making Jack black out.

Jack groggily opened his eyes. Everything felt sore and heavy. Y/N was crouched infront of him and caressing his face.
"Welcome back Jacky~" Y/N purred.

A huge sense of fear overcame Jack when he realised that his clothes were gone. He knew what Y/N wanted to do..

and he was scared. He was still a virgin afterall. Jack could never let Y/N violate him. The thought of being violated terrified him. It made Jack physically ill.

He thrashed violently. This made Y/N laugh and go even closer, trapping Jack between him and the wall. "Y/N.. what.. wh- what did I do to you..?" Jack cried. "I'm sorry.. PLEASE.. NO!" Blood spilt everywhere as he spoke.

Y/N laughed. "You're cute that's why.. and unique. i passed on the black inky thing and the skinhead because you caught my eye..~"

Y/N pulled Jack into an aggressive kiss and lapped up the blood from Jack's mouth. He then continued licking up Jack's jaw and neck.

"So. Are you behaving now my Jacky Wacky?~" Jack was shaking. He was afraid and confused. He had no idea what was going on.

"I.." Jack's body became limp. "Just.. stay away from me..."

"But I won't. I love it when you submit to me." Y/N kissed Jack again.

"I'm begging you.." Jack sobbed, fighting against Y/N. He was unable to move due to his injuries. "Don't do this to me.. please.. don't.."
Jack was getting weaker and weaker. He didn't even try to resist anymore. All he could do was lay still and wait for Y/N to finish whatever he was doing to him.

"But Jackyyyy I'm not here to negotiate. I'm here to make you mine..~"

Y/N went back to sucking on Jack's scars and bruises. It was kind of fun watching Jack writhe and cry out in pain.

"D..don't hurt please. I.." Jack's voice broke.

"I won't jacky~" Y/N whispered. "I love you..~"

"Aaaahhh.. I'm bored of this now. Let me suck you off~" Y/N licked up Jack's length, smirking as Jack gasped and shrieked. Jack was left in darkness alone with Y/N. He was trembling uncontrollably. He was scared. He was alone. He was helpless. He was weak. He was useless. He was nothing.

"You're so big.. what is it, 14,15 inches?"

Y/N began to suck Jack's cock slowly, letting him adjust to it.

"W..what are you.. doing to me..??" Jack whimpered.

"Making you scream, my precious~" Y/N whispered.

"Please don't.." Jack murmured.

Y/N was enjoying this immensely. He liked the way Jack moaned and convulsed when he sucked on him. The way he jerked his body when he swirled around his cock with his tongue. The way Jack was gripping the closet walls for dear life. Y/N loved it. It was time to take this to the extreme.

Y/N stood up, saliva drippping from Jack's cock.

"Who's the bitch now?" Y/N teased.

Closeted Thoughts v2 | M!Jack x M!Reader | Doors AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora