Chapter 5 - Seeking Solace

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The two helped Nasiir up and placed his arms over their shoulders. They walked slowly along the halls, dragging Nasiir with them, making sure he was stable.

"I wish I was in Nasiir's position right now.." Jasu whimpered as she watched them. "I wish I was dead right now.. I should've listened to him when he begged me not to go.. I shouldn't have.. oh my god.."

"It's alright Jasu.. it's not your fault.." Y/N reassured her.

The group continued through the doors. 014, 017, 020, 022.

They entered a unique looking room with two exits. They were numbered differently.

"Uhh.. which room were we at before..?" Jasu looked puzzled. She was examining the room, but it didn't seem too familiar...

She started to advance to a door, looking nervous as ever. The group followed her, watching out for each other, ready to help if needed. No matter what happened next... no matter if they got hurt...they would get help.

Jasu opened the door, no surprises. Thankfully.

"If that one is clear.. what's in the other?" Nasiir inquired. Jasu shrugged and started to walk to the other door.

"Jasu! Are you sure this is a good idea..?" Y/N asked cautiously as they made their way. They could hear Nasiir's labored breathing and Jasu's heavy footsteps. Y/N's head throbbed painfully from stress, and he felt like he was going to throw up.

Y/N was thinking to himself. 'Rahil and Jun are probably dead.. Nas is gonna die.. who's next? Losing all my friends.. I feel like it's breaking me..'

He couldn't breathe... He couldn't move.... he couldn't think...
All he could see was death. There was so much blood... He thought he had seen more than enough of it in the last few hours, but there was always another side, and another, and another...

Jasu opened the door, and all Y/N saw was Jasu being pulled into the room by a shadowy figure with a disturbing smile. Y/N was about to scream, but then there was a sharp pain in his throat. It made his eyes water, but that wasn't why he was crying...he was just surprised that Jasu hadn't screamed yet either.

Nasiir, Naz, Yanan and Y/N were the only ones alive now. Y/N looked around desperately.. he didn't know where they were or how they ended up here. He looked at his hands... they were covered with blood... he could see his breath clouding in front of his face... he was shaking so violently now that he was almost falling over. He had never been this scared before.

He started to lose his senses.

Yanan slapped him on the cheek. Y/N jumped back in surprise, nearly falling over again. The hand felt warm, though it seemed to be cold in comparison to how he actually felt.

"Stay awake, you idiot! We're still alive! You have to remember that!" Y/N nodded, trying to calm himself down.

The group trudged through door 23. Silent. They were all traumatised. Along with Nasiir's injury, Naz's negativity and Y/N's broken mental state.. They were pretty fucked. Y/N was trying his best to keep himself together, but it was difficult. Every step he took caused an ache in his chest. His head throbbed, and his throat burned with every exhale. He couldn't speak properly...his voice was barely recognizable anymore, and he was having difficulty catching his breath.

Y/N and the rest stopped advancing when the lights began to flicker and eyes appeared on the walls. Y/N felt like a small animal caught in a predator's sights... he was too paralyzed by fear to move. He wanted to do something. But there was nothing he could do.. He was completely helpless.

"Fuck off." Naz hissed. "Leave us alone." He tried to look menacing. His face was drawn and tired, with dark bags under his sunken eyes. It was clear from the beginning that he had gone through more hardships than any one person should've experienced, even in the shortest span of time imaginable.

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