Chapter 2 - The Start Of The End

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-Y/N's POV-

"B- but it's pouring outside.. Yanan are you dumb? What are you going to do? Stop for nothing?"

"Just do it already!" Y/N snapped.

Rahil pulled over, clearly unhappy and forced Yanan out of the car. "Go see your thing." She said while shaking her head.

Naz decided to tag along with Yanan, since he had nothing to do anyways. Nasiir and Y/N watched eagerly as the two walked into the fog, dripping water from every part of their bodies.

Half an hour later, they still weren't back and Y/N was losing hope when he saw them running around in circles trying to catch a glimpse of something. It finally dawned on him what they were doing; they'd been searching through the woods.

"Let's just go check on those idiots.." Rahil sighed and got out of the car.

Y/N and Nasiir obeyed and followed her.

Y/N stood up and walked to the edge of the forest. A few drops had seeped through his clothes but he didn't pay any mind to it. He looked in both directions before spotting the two figures at the far end of the clearing. They had stopped moving around and instead seemed to be facing the opposite direction.

"What is that guy even doing out here? I mean come on! He'll freeze to death!" Nasiir complained.

"Nasiir you gotta see this!" Yanan shouted, motioning the group to come towards him.

The group made their way toward the pair of idiots and looked up in awe. In the distance, they could barely make out an old gargantuan building. It looked like an asylum.. or hotel.. the fog made it even more majestic. There was only one entrance which they could see from where they stood. It took up a large chunk of land, almost covering most of the surrounding area.

The group were headed to the hotel when Naz caught something in the corner of his eye. "Is that..." He whispered. He turned to look and lo and behold..

Jasu and Junjie.

"I thought you two were busy! You never skip out on hangouts with us!" Naz yelled.

"I really didn't expect to see you here.. we were just going on a walk.. might've been a date if we actually asked each other out first..." Junjie responded sheepishly.

Nasiir shrugged. "Well whatever, let's get going before we get left behind by them..."

Y/N and the group were already at the gates when Nasiir, Naz and the other two showed up.

"Wha.. where'd you find them?" Rahil stuttered.

"I just saw something in the corner of my eye and.. I found these hopeless romantics. Taking a romantic walk in the rainy woods."

"That's not exactly our definition of a date." Junjie pointed out. "I don't think anyone would want to kiss there.. or anything close to it."

"Whatever. We're already here, might as well explore this spooky abandoned hotel, Hm?" Naz suggested.

"It is pretty spooky..." Jasu muttered. "We can always leave if you're scared, Yanan."

"Don't be ridiculous, of course I'm not scared." He replied with a huff.

Y/N and the gang decided to give the abandoned hotel a chance. It seemed fun. "T-this place is creepy as fuck!" Yanan cried out.

"Quit being a baby Yanan. What happened to you not being scared.?" Spat naz bluntly, he clearly wasn't in the mood to deal with their shit but here he was, stuck with his idiotic friends.

Y/N followed behind them as they made their way into a creaky elevator. They went up and entered into a strangely well-kept lobby. The place looked clean. Even if it was abandoned, there wasn't anything strange about it. The interior contrasted to the outside a lot. Maybe it was nice but just hidden away from people, nobody really knew what kind of place was underneath this huge building.

-POV switch, Jack-

Someone that wasn't Shadow, Glitch or Hide. But that's why they were his best friends and girlfriend!

They were his only friends.

Jack decided he wanted to see them so he mustered up all of courage and snuck out of his hiding place, his safe haven in the darkest place in the world.

It wasn't long before he found them. Shadow was speaking to Glitch, who was leaning against a wall. The two were so deep into their conversation that they didn't notice Jack watching them.

He quickly crept closer and tried to hear what they were talking about. "-and then we kissed." Glitch smiled.

They seemed to notice Jack approaching and cut their conversation short.

Jack greeted them and smiled, but didn't receive the same back. They nodded, but returned to their conversation, whispering things to each other too low for Jack to hear. They didn't give him another glance.

Then, his mind took control of him.

Why was this happening now?
Was he really alone?
He realised that the people he went out of his way to visit weren't even looking at him. He should've stayed in the closet.

He felt.. empty.. alone..

He felt his stomach twist painfully as his eyes filled with tears.
Why does he feel this way?
Wasn't everyone better off without him?

He felt his legs weaken and stumbled backwards.

He tried to take his mind off of things, but that same fucking voice.. it wouldn't shut up.

"Are Shadow and Glitch even real? Are they just figments of my imagination?

Can they hurt me? Should I be scared of them?"

"Can they hurt me?" That thought stuck out to him.

Was it possible? Did Glitch have the power to hurt him? To rip him apart?

"What if they're real? What if they kill me?
Shadow and Glitch won't kill me though.. right?"

He snapped out of his trance and back into reality. (on some Eminem shit)

"G.. guys I need some alone time.. I'll catch up with you later.."

Then Jack turned and left. Neither Shadow or Glitch tried to stop him. His feet dragging along the floor, his vision blurry, and tears stinging his eyes. But he kept on walking.

He was heading back to the very closet from earlier. His home. His abode. His sanctuary. That dark place he shouldn't have ever left..

But those same thoughts..

If only he could let go of them.. they were just thoughts right..? Just Thoughts.

Seems like he couldn't wake up from this nightmare.

He needed someone to talk to. That someone wasn't there. Hide was away.

He entered his safe space.. but his mind didn't shut up.

"I'm not safe.. I'm not safe.. how could I be safe..? Why isn't anyone else here?! I'm alone!"

His thoughts became louder, filling the whole room. He could practically see the darkness growing in his chest. He started breathing hard and he curled himself into a ball, covering his ears to drown out the noise.
Everything felt overwhelming.

"You're alone because nobody likes you. Nobody sees past your mask of confidence and fake smiles. You're worthless!"

His nails dug deeply into his skin, drawing blood as he squeezed his eyes tightly shut. It was getting unbearable.

He got up, his legs trembling, in a fit of anger he blindly threw a punch at the wooden wall, being greeted by the sound of something cracking, it was his arm. He winced in pain as he clutched his hand, everything was getting blurry. - Th3_R34l_S33k

It all went dark as his limp body hit the floor.

Closeted Thoughts v2 | M!Jack x M!Reader | Doors AUWhere stories live. Discover now