Chapter 7 - The Game

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Yanan got the door unlocked and the three bolted through the exit, slamming the door behind them. The monster crashed into the door with a resounding bang.

Yanan was panting. "You ok man? You look pretty beat up."

"It's nothing." Y/N replied.

"What about you, Naz?"

Naz returned a soft yet intimidating grunt from his position at the door, where he had been blocking it with his body.

"Wait do you hear that..?" Naz muttered.

"Hear what?" Y/N turned his attention towards him.

"Shut the fuck up Y/N.. just listen."

A few seconds passed by, but Y/N couldn't hear anything. "Motherfucker are you tripping?"

Naz sucked his teeth and advanced towards the end of the room.

He opened the next door, 52, and stood in fear. He had found the source of the noise, which was coming from a bust-up radio, but had also found an additional problem. There were 2 monsters, just sitting there.. looking bored.

One was sitting down next to a skeleton, and the other was some sort of tentacle being which appeared through a gaping hole in the wall.

"Órale vato. Come here guey." The monster called out.

"Yeah.. uh.. Taco?" Naz sneered.

Y/N just shook his head in disappointment. Yanan and Y/N entered the room.

Y/N split from the other two, who were conversing with the Mexican or Spanish being.

He made his way towards the other monster. It looked to be some sort of shopkeeper, judging by the sign directly above from it.

"Hey..? What is this?" Y/N asked, defeated.

The monster gestured at some items that laid upon fancy cushions infront of Y/N. "You can't talk either huh?"

"Well I would've bought something but uh.. I'm broke." Y/N let out a dead-sounding chuckle.

Naz and Yanan were still talking to that stupid creature. "Listen here fool. Mi Amor got me this earring and I'm gonna go back to see her one day.."

Y/N signalled them towards him and they left the strange room.

The atmosphere seemed to lighten up a bit more once they left. "So. What's our plan?" Yanan said.

"We'll figure that out later.. but for now? Survive." Naz responded.

As usual, they walked through another door. 54.

A wave of eerie feelings and images overwhelmed the group, almost making them want to throw up. The smell of rotten flesh hit their noses.

"Ugh..." Yanan groaned.

They had entered some type of infirmary, but not in the modern-day kind. This one in particular looked like something out of a horror movie. There were bloody instruments scattered throughout the room. A single medical cross adorned the wall near the opposite doorway.

The place reeked of blood, death, and deathly decay. It didn't help that the place was dark as well, save for some torches lining the walls.
Y/N felt goosebumps appear all over his arms. He felt sick to his stomach. He took a few quick breaths, trying to ignore how unsettling everything was.

Y/N was the first one to venture into the room. He passed by a table which had some leftover medical supplies. Sanitizer, Morphine, Pills, etc.

He grabbed the sanitizer and inspected the other bottles. Something caught his eye. A specific label said, 'Ecstasy.'

"Ecstasy in an infirmary? That's gotta be illegal right?" Y/N asked, a hint of suspicion present in his voice.

"Nah man, they used that shit in like the '40s and stuff. It's totally legal. Just don't get any yourself." Naz said. "Just take it and leave me alone."

Y/N picked up the two syringes and placed them into his pocket, along with the sanitizer.

"Are you done now?" Yanan sighed, holding his nose to block out the smell. Y/N had gotten used to it by now and Yanan was overreacting anyways.

"Let's get out of here before we pass out from that stench and die, shall we?" Yanan groaned.

-Jack's POV-

Jack looked down at the little piece of paper sitting on top of his cake. "Thank you Hide..." He whispered. Jack unfolded the paper. It read; "To the best boyfriend in the world. I love you. You deserve the world and I will give it to you every day, forever. Happy Birthday Jackaboy ~ I love you."

He shoved the whole cake into his mouth and chewed as fast as humanly possible.

'This was the best birthday ever..' he thought, licking a stray piece of whipped cream off his cheek.

He stood up, wobbling and stumbling everywhere, and fell out of the closet. His head collided with the hard floor. "Fuck me.." He sighed.

He heard footsteps coming closer to him.

"Why are you on the floor? Shadow finally dump you?" Seek sneered from somewhere behind Jack.

Jack rolled around the floor, trying to get away from him. "No no I.. I fell." He laughed nervously as his face turned pink.

"How many times do I have to tell you that we aren't dating..?" Jack mumbled.

"Whatever.. I wasn't even looking for you anyways. I've been looking for a group of humans."

Seek glared at him. "I was just chasing them. Don't think you'll get them easily. So you want to hurt the rest?"

"Yeah, that's the plan." Jack said, with a sinister grin.

Seek scowled at him, and then looked away.

"Well then, if you're planning to torture him, how about we play a game." Seek sneered

"A game huh.." Jack's smile widened. "What's the game?"

"The rules are simple."

"All you have to do is catch a person first, either Y/N, Naz or Ya-"

Jack cut him off. "Who the fuck are Yanan and Y/N?"

"The two humans.. let me speak man, shit.." scowled seek "Whoever wins gets complete control over the human for as long as they live."

"Like, forever?" Inquired Jack

Seek nodded

"And the loser just loses."

Seek crossed his arms.

"Doesn't mean we're going to play by rules though."

With that, he ran off. Leaving Jack in the middle of the hall.

"Sounds easy enough. Better check with Figure.." Jack got up and brushed imaginary dust off of his shoulders.

He put his hands in his pockets and walked towards the shitty library. Jack had to forget about Hide since he usually acted cold to everyone, and he didn't want Hide making him appear happy.

He reached the double doors and halted right before he entered them.

"Is it really worth it?" He questioned.

But Jack knew it wasn't. He pushed open the doors. The library was a mess. All sorts of things were strewn around the place. Books, shelves, paper, anything. It looked like a tornado had blown through there. Jack made his way towards the center of the library. On the ground, sat Figure with her head wrapped in papers, like a rudimentary bandage. She looked up when she heard Jack coming close. She smiled.

"Where have you been?"

"I was looking for you.." grumbled Jack.

Figure giggled. "Well, now I'm glad we're together again!"

Closeted Thoughts v2 | M!Jack x M!Reader | Doors AUWhere stories live. Discover now