Chapter 1 - Dangerous Discovery

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Jack was always a shy entity, unlike the others he would spend most of his time hiding in closets and behind doors. He stayed away from he others most of the time. It was unique to him. His personality made him want to be alone, it's why he never talked much with anyone, it's because he didn't trust them. Even with his best friend, Shadow, he was still hesitant on taking to him. He always found excuses to not talk or hang out with him. So he kept it that way.

-POV switch, Y/N-

Y/N was a regular guy, average job, average life, but quite good looking. His hair, eyes, and skin tone all complimented each other perfectly.

His six friends, Rahil, Junjie, Yanan, Nasiir, Naz and Jasu were all quite popular as well. They could get along just fine with everyone. They were a group of young adults trying their best to become successful and succeed at whatever they did.

One day, Y/N woke up to a text from the leader, Rahil. "Guys! My car finally got imported! Let's go down to the docks and get it!"

Y/N groaned and crawled over to his phone and flinched at the sudden light as he turned it on. He read the message and reponded with, "I'll be there." After that, he threw his phone back down onto the bed and got up.

He threw on some clothes and brushed his teeth. He grabbed his phone in a rush of excitement and flew out the door of his apartment.

Jasu and Junjie replied almost instantly, with a lousy excuse that they were busy and couldn't come.

He made his way onto the street and hailed a taxi. "The Docks, please."

"That'll be 5.99."

Y/N paid and slumped back into the seat as he watched the morning traffic and city start to become busy around him.

It wasn't very hard for Y/N to say yes. He really liked to see how excited people became over small things like that. As soon as he got out of the taxi, he saw Rahil along with the others, standing next to a shiny blue car.

"Naz look at this! It's beautiful!" Rahil said. She was practically jumping up and down, her face lighting up with glee at the sight of the car.

Naz, Nasiir and Yanan stood behind her in silence. Their faces were neutral, arms folded, looking like Rahil's bodyguards. Naz looked to his left at Y/N and he gave him a smile. That small gesture meant everything to Y/N. He returned a similar smile and walked towards the group.

Rahil noticed Y/N arrive and immediately ran up to him. "LOOK AT IT!!" She grabbed his head and turned it to look at the car.

"It's decent.. let's take a drive, shall we?" Y/N sounded dead, as usual.

She gasped. "We will?! I've been wanting to drive for ages. But you know my dad..." She trailed off at the mention of the man she lived with and sighed.

"Let's go, pleassee?" Nasiir asked. Y/N nodded to both of the boys.

The five of them piled into the car. Nasiir sat shotgun, Rahil took the driver's and Y/N along with Yanan and Naz sat in the back. It was the perfect setup for the two boys to mess with Y/N. He would have laughed if he wasn't in a shitty mood.

As soon as they started to drive, the rain began to pick up. "Can't ever have nice things can we?" Rahil muttered under her breath as the drops began to pelt the windshield.

Yanan peered out the window and noticed something. "Rahil.. pull over quickly. I wanna see something."

"B- but it's pouring outside.. Yanan are you dumb? What are you going to do? Stop for nothing?"

"Just do it already!" Y/N snapped.

Rahil pulled over, clearly unhappy and forced Yanan out of the car. "Go see your thing." She said while shaking her head.

-POV switch, Jack-

"A-AaAaAAA~ H- HiDEEE~! IM GONNA CUM~" Jack shireked as Hide continued to suck him off.

Hide grinned. "Good. I thought you wouldn't last long."

"Mhm~" Jack moaned as he came inside of Hide's warm mouth.

"You feel good don't you? You remember when I used to suck you off a while back?" She giggled. "People said it was wrong because I was older.. but it doesn't really matter, does it? We love eachother and that's all that matters."

Hide and Jack had a 3 year age gap. They had begun seeing eachother when Jack was 15 and Hide was 18. So roughly 156 and 189.

Jack leaned back against the closet wall. "Yeah.. you're my one and only Hide.."

Hide got up and exited the closet with a wave.

Jack was left alone in a dark closet, in a dark corner of the hotel. That's how he liked it though. He was thinking about Shadow and Glitch. His group of misfits and outcasts. It wasn't the most popular group, but that was expected. The trio were basically the same. They were all odd, especially Jack himself. Even though everyone from Seek to Halt knew him for most of his life, no one could fully understand who he was. No one besides Shadow and Glitch. They had seen through his facade, they knew he was a bit different from the rest. That's why he was so close to the two. They understood each other.

Along with Hide, they were really the only two he trusted. No one else was as smart as the two, (except Hide) no one else understood how to make Jack laugh as they did. No one else loved him as much as they did (except Hide) They knew his secrets, and although they weren't together in the same way, they still cared deeply for him.

Sometimes though..

Jack wondered if he could talk to someone else..

Someone that wasn't Shadow, Glitch or Hide. But that's why they were his best friends and girlfriend!

They were his only friends.

He tucked his dick back into his pants. Wouldn't want anyone seeing that..

1005 words

Closeted Thoughts v2 | M!Jack x M!Reader | Doors AUWhere stories live. Discover now