Chapter 8 - Winner?

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Figure giggled. "Well, now I'm glad we're together again!"

Jack rolled his eyes, but figured (I'm so funny) it would do him no good to tell Figure he was trying to avoid her as much as possible.

"Listen, the last thing I would come here for is to talk to you. Have you seen.. or heard a group of humans?"

She grinned and giggled softly. Her laugh sent chills down Jack's spine. He wanted to get out of there now. Even his mind was telling him to run.

His mind started to go crazy. Images flashed within his head.

"I'm going to die... I'm going to die... I don't wanna die.. Jack we need to leave this crazy bitch. You know better than this. Leave her alone and run. Run and never turn back."

"Yeah, why?" Figure answered back.

"I don't need to answer to you. I'm looking for them. That's all you need to know." Said Jack sternly.

"What's with the negativity today Jacky?" She whined.

His mind was running wild now. "Jacky? Jacky?! JACKY?! You're gonna allow this bitch to call you that?!"

Jack clenched his fists tightly. "Do. Not. Call. Me. That. EVER!" He shouted.

Then, all of a she pinned him against a bookshelf. "So Jacka-boy is acting tough now, huh? You're acting tough? You?" She giggled. "Cmon Jack don't fuck me around. You aren't intimidating, you're scared."

Jack pushed her away with all his might, which caused her to stumble backwards. Jack was teary-eyed at this point, but he couldn't let his tears fall in front of her.

"Y-you.. you're wrong. I am n-n-not." He replied, his voice shaking.

She pushed him into a bookshelf, causing it to topple backwards from the sheer power she had exerted onto it.

It made a loud bang as it slammed into the ground, and then silence filled the entire room. "Mess with me again, Jack, and see what happens." Said Figure.

She slowly stalked away, leaving Jack with his head in his hands and tears streaming down his cheeks. He wiped away the tears before anyone could see him cry.

He took deep breathes to calm himself down.

"I'm just playing with you Jacky! What do you want to know?" Her whole demeanour changed back to her happy self from a sadistic dark side of her.

"W- Which.. Way d- did they go..? Fi-Figure..?"

"Oh, Seek is playing that game with you? They went that way." She pointed to the opposite side of the library.

He couldn't believe she was doing this. She was playing with his emotions like a cat would with a mouse.

"You know what, fuck you." He muttered.

Figure heard him.

"My goodness, you didn't even blink. Your vocabulary is really picking up. Well done." She sneered.

Jack stormed out the library.

"See you later Jacky!" She called.

He clenched his fist. He hated when she called him that.

He ran into the next available closet and shut the door with such force it shook. He put his back against the wall and slid down until he sat on the floor.

"Rush owes me a favour anyways.. If he ever comes back alive." He laughed nervously.
He sighed heavily as he stood up and wiped off some dust and dirt on his pants.

"Come on, Jack. Find that group of human bastards. Get their scent, maybe find out what's happened to them.. then figure out where the hell they are." He said to himself.

Jack's eyes rolled back, like he was being possessed by some malevolent being. It felt weird, but he eventually snapped out of his trance. "D-d-do-door f..fifty-three.." he whispered to himself. "And.. and.. Rush should be on his way now.."

He got up, and out of the closet. The room he entered, 54, was a massive room filled with suites and alike.

He hid in the closet as he heard the group enter the room.

-POV switch, Y/N-

"Let's get out of here before we pass out from that stench and die, shall we?" Yanan groaned.

They exited that room, and soon came across the next one. It was a gigantic room filled with luxurious, yet ancient-looking furniture and bookshelves. Yanan's face lit up.

There were smaller rooms in said room, which gave Naz the bright idea to go search them. Naz practically fell over when he saw what one room withheld. It was a bed, and a comfy one at that. He was already drooling like a dog.

He took off his shoes and lay down on the bed. "I really need this fucking rest, Y/N," he muttered.

Y/N watched him and chuckled softly. He was glad that Naz found something he liked. He was tired of seeing him constantly moping around.

Yanan lay down next to Naz. He snuggled closer and hugged Naz tightly. "God Naz, you're so soft.." He sighed sleepily.

Naz opened his eyes, distraught. "Don't fucking touch me," he grunted.

Yanan blinked owlishly. "I was just hugging you," he retorted.

"Just because you can doesn't mean that you should. Fuck you, you fa-- you freak." He growled.

Yanan looked hurt. He turned over and laid on his stomach, arms crossed underneath his head. "Fine, I'll take care not to touch you. Go back to your bed if you're too scared of me."

Yanan knew he would get into Naz's head like this. "Scared? You? No way. Yanan, you're probably more scared of yourself.." He taunted and tried to fall asleep. Yanan decided it was best to leave him alone.

"Hey, Y/N. Why don't you go explore if you aren't tired?"

"Huh? Oh yea... Sure, I will. Thanks." Y/N smiled as he walked out of the room.

Y/N walked around and began daydreaming. He was brought back to reality by the lights flickering, followed by an awful screeching noise. It sounded like it was getting louder and louder by the second. Y/N turned to his left, and saw a grotesque, bodyless, shadowy. blob hurling towards him. He had to hide somewhere.. maybe a closet?

-POV switch, Jack-

Y/N was heading towards him. If he wanted to win the game, now was his chance. Jack pressed himself against the closet wall. He could feel his heartbeat pounding in his ears. He heard footsteps coming closer. He closed his eyes.

Next thing he knew, Y/N opened the closet and Jack pulled him in. Jack shut the door behind them. They were completely hidden inside the closet, there was no place he could run.

Closeted Thoughts v2 | M!Jack x M!Reader | Doors AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن