Chapter 47 - The Wedding

Start from the beginning

Milena let out a single, soft chuckle.

"Yeah, tell me about it." Milena said.

"He loves you, you know." Remus added, finally turning his head to look at Milena. "That's why he worries. Not because he doesn't trust you, but because he doesn't trust anyone else. He would put his life on the line for you."

"I don't want him to."

"No, but you don't have to ask. He just would. I knew people like that in my life. People who I am incredibly grateful to have known."

Milena turned her head away from him again, distracting herself with the constellations in the sky above. Remus didn't say anymore and he didn't have to. She knew he was right. Why did he always have to be right?

Milena continued to find constellations in the sky, seeing which ones she could identify though she didn't have much knowledge so she really only found the big dipper and little dipper. As she stood there, she felt her head to begin to ache, not as much as it had before, but it certainly wasn't pleasant. She thought that maybe she was just tired from the day and it was her body's way of telling her she needed sleep, but unfortunately, it was not.

In the distance, the shape of a glowing, silver animal came bounding towards them and through the barrier around the Burrow. It was a patronus of a lynx, Kingsley's patronus. It ran towards them then through the entrance and into the centre of the dance floor where most people had gathered. Everyone made space for it and gathered around it. The lynx opened its mouth and out came Kingsley's voice.

"The ministry has fallen. Scrimgeour is dead. They are coming."

The patronus faded away and for a moment everyone was frozen silent. Milena looked to Remus and their eyes met, both of them knowing what was coming. Everyone needed to get out. Now.

Within seconds, people had begun screaming and running for the exit, all of them apparating away immediately. The party was in utter chaos. People were pushing and shoving each other out of the way. Knocking everyone around. Milena's wand was held tightly in her hand as she sprinted directly into the crowd, looking for her friends to get them out. It felt impossible to find anyone in the crowd. Then, dark smoke began shooting towards the tent, smashing into the ground then warping into dark wizards, trying to round them up. Most people had already managed to get away, but Milena needed to find her friends. She needed to find Fred.

Flashes of green and red lights flew back and forth and Milena ducked as she pushed her way through the last of the people. She felt a cold hand grab her arm and pull her out of the crowd. It was not someone she knew. She tried to yank her arm back, but their grip was tight. She was about to try and stun them with her wand, but it was knocked from her hand as someone shoved past her. The hand on her arm dragged her towards the Burrow. She was finally able to look up at the person who had her. A tall man in dark robes with long, dark hair was dragging her inside then threw her down on the floor of the living room.

"Don't move." He commanded gruffly before going back outside and slamming the door behind him. The force of the slam knocked a few pictures off of the wall.

Inside, Molly, Arthur, Fred, George, and Ginny were all sitting around, looking a little roughed up, but okay. Ginny helped her to her feet and as soon as she was standing, Fred rushed to her, pulling her into a hug without a word. Milena wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him a little closer. She didn't realize how much she had missed his hugs.

"I'm glad you're okay." He whispered to her, pulling himself back. "I tried to find you but they-"

"I know, Freddie." Milena said calmly. "It's okay. I'm just glad you're alright too."

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