"I'm sorry nobody helped you sooner. I'm sorry I didn't help you sooner," he explained. 

    "You didn't even know me," she responded quietly. "It's fine, really, you don't need to feel bad. That's just always how it has been for me," she finished nonchalantly.

    Leo looked like he wanted to say something else, but Kyra was pretty sure she would burst into tears if he said one more thing about how she didn't deserve whatever she had been through. "Anyway, I just wanted to thank you. So, thanks," she finished awkwardly, removing her gaze from his eyes and to the floor. 

    Leo paused and Kyra was worried he would try and tell her again how she deserved better or something else that just wasn't true but instead he simply replied, "You're welcome." 

    She looked back to him, just now realizing their fairly close proximity on the floor, and gave him a small smile. He grinned back at her which made Kyra's heart feel strange in her chest. 

    Kyra looked at Leo as if she was seeing him for the first time. Without the threat of being trampled by a giant or becoming a sacrifice to the gods, she was finally able to truly look at him.

    He was really beautiful, or handsome, she supposed.  His brown eyes sparkled as he looked back at her and his dark curls were messy in an endearing way. Her eyes trailed their way down his face stopping on his lips, his smile. He really did have an amazing smile. 

    She felt herself wanting to be closer to him, causing an odd fluttering in her stomach. She'd never felt like this before: it was odd. 

    A soft knock on the infirmary door startled Kyra, causing her to jump as her heart began to beat faster. She moved closer to Leo who put his hand back on top of hers. 

    "Hey, it's okay," he said softly. "It's probably Will or Annabeth wanting to make sure you're okay," he explained. "Can I tell them to come in?" 

    Kyra nodded slowly, unsure of her answer but still thinking it was better to just agree to whatever was asked of her. It was better than someone being mad at her and then. . . 

    Leo nodded, "I'm gonna stay here, that okay?" he asked. 

    Kyra nodded once more, this time actually believing her answer. 

    Leo smiled reassuringly at her. "Okay, I'm just gonna call out to them from here to see who they are." Kyra nodded her head, her hand feeling warm under Leo's slightly larger one. 

    Leo cleared his throat before responding to the knock, "Who is it?" 

    "It's Piper and Jason. Will and Annabeth are here too. Is it okay if we come in? We just want to make sure Kyra's okay," Piper shouted back through the door. 

    Leo looked at Kyra, who was confused for a moment. She wasn't sure if he wanted her to respond or not. She slowly nodded her head to Leo, not trusting her voice at the moment. But she knew Piper and Jason; they were kind to her. She could handle meeting two new people. 

    Leo's smile grew at her small confirmation, causing a small smile to appear on her own face. 

    "Yeah, come on in! We're in the back where we were before," he responded. 

    Kyra tensed as she heard the door open, her hand grasping Leo's tightly, seeking a way to ground herself. The warmth and comfort Leo's hand gave her were enough to do the trick. 

    Leo turned to look at her, his gaze slightly worried. "It's alright. You know Jason and Piper. Annabeth seems a little scary, but she just misses her boyfriend. And Will's really just a great big ball of sunshine," he explained softly to her. "Just say the word and I'll ask them to leave, okay?" 

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