Chapter 32: This can't be happening

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"Rory, baby, you need to wake up. We are about five minutes away from the hospital. Your mom called while you were resting, I told her that I had told you what had happened, you had cried until you fell asleep, and you were resting right now. She said good, and to let you rest, I have already let her know we were close, and she will be waiting for us by the main entrance."

"Okay, thank you so much, Tristan. I want you to know I haven't changed my mind about us, I just need to postpone our plans."

"Rory, I already knew that would happen. I know you all too well. I don't want you to worry about any of that right now. You are still engaged to Robert, and you need to step into that position and do what you need to for him."

"Thank you, Tris, so much." He slowed down and stopped at the red light. "I need a kiss before we get there because this will be our last chance." He turned to her and leaned in, and kissed her a passionate kiss.

"I love you, Rory."

"I love you, Tristan." Just as the light turned and he finished the two-block drive. He pulled into the valet and grabbed his ticket. He walked around and helped Rory out as Lorelai came running out the door.

She hugged her and swayed with her, "I am so glad you are okay. I don't know what made you take a solo trip, but I am glad you did. Otherwise, this could be an entirely different situation."

"I know, mom, me too. I just felt like going somewhere alone, and he had this trip, so I went. What happened?"

"I don't know all the details, I know someone lost control of their car and came over into his lane on the Henry Hudson Parkway, they caused him to go over the concrete rail into a tree with his car hanging out of the tree above the Hudson river. When they called his parents and informed them of the accident this morning around three, they asked about you."

"The police started a search on both sides of the highway through the trees, and in the water. At that point, they told me it was a recovery rescue. They had gone along the bank line and even into New Jersey to locate your body."

"It's bad to say, but I was so relieved when I heard back from Tristan, and he said he thought you went on a solo trip and he would locate you, I have never been happier than when he called me and told me he had picked you up. The police called off the search, and I have been here pacing the floor waiting on you."

"How is he, mom?"

"He is in bad shape, sweets, he has bleeding of the brain, they have removed the right side of his skull, his entire right side was crushed, he has bad cuts, you won't even recognize him he is swollen."

"I feel so bad for not being around I left my phone at home and didn't realize it until the train had already taken off. I called him and let him know I left my phone."

"I know, sweetheart, let's go inside and see Cynthia and Frank they are in bad shape. Thank you, Tristan, for looking for my girl here and driving her here."

"Of course, Lorelai. I haven't even returned any of the other calls. Is Finn, Juliette, Steph, or Colin here?"

"Yes, they are, and Logan is on his way in. No doubt, thinking he can worm his way back into Rory's graces by showing up."

"I will handle Logan, you or Rory neither one will have to deal with him."

"Thanks, Tristan, alright, come on, sweets, let's go to he is in the neuroscience intensive care unit since this is from a traumatic brain injury. It's on the ninth floor, so far, no brain activity since the accident."

They rode up to the floor and stepped off the elevator. He saw Colin, Juliette, Finn, and Steph sitting there they had all been crying. He hugged Rory I am going to walk over here, if you need me, I am right here, I'm not leaving."

Then you came along (A Robert/Tristan fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz