Ryuji's Love

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        Ryuji didn't get it. He simply didn't. Every single time he saw you with another person acting just as affectionate as you usually do, he gets this burning, disgusting feeling in his chest. He wasn't as stupid as everyone made him out to be. He knew that this was the purest form of jealousy. What he didn't get was why he was feeling jealous. Was it much like how you were feeling when Ryuji first became a phantom thief? He would always run off with Akira, and you were left to your own devices. Now, you suddenly started gaining all of these new friends when it used to just be you and him. Granted, they were his friends too, but he didn't like how you treated them equally to him.

Ryuji furrowed his brows. What?! Equally?! That's what he's upset about? How did he want you to treat the others? Like shit? No! However, he did want to be treated differently compared to everyone else. He wanted more of your attention, more hugs from you, more jests, more... you. He growled in frustration, shifting his position so he was lying on the couch.

He remembers the time he first met you. Well, talked to you was closer. He noticed you at the very beginning of first year, though very vaguely. You sat two rows over and three seats ahead of him. You never spoke to anyone, and when you did speak, you were so quiet he could hardly hear you half of the time even when you were the only one talking. However, you always seemed happy albeit a bit anxious.

Hang on, scratch that. You did talk to a couple people. You spent a lot of your time with Makoto who was only a student council member at the time. He would occasionally see you with Mishima as well. He didn't see you outside of class very often, but when he did he would almost always see you with one of the two. He didn't know the history, but he knew you were close to both of them.

It was around the middle of May when he started paying attention to you. You were still quiet and reserved, but that little light you always held was gone. You looked beyond depressed, essentially. He couldn't deny that a small pit of worry grew in his stomach. However, you weren't any of his business, so he didn't bother trying to comfort you.

It turned late May, and he stared at you after school. You glumly sat at your desk, staring off into space. You had been gone for a couple of days, but the cast around your leg explained it all. Ryuji had heard rumors about you shattering your knee during volleyball practice, and some people rumored it to be Kamoshida's doing. Ryuji knew the guy was a sick bastard just by how he was treating the track team. (He had just started subbing in a week ago.) He pursed his lips before turning to his friends.

"I'll catch you guys later," he said. "There's somethin' I gotta do today." His friends didn't question it, and they left him be. Once he made sure they weren't coming back, his gaze returned on your slouched form. He took a cautious step forward, and then another all the way up until he reached the front of your desk. "Hey, you're name's (L/n), right?" You slowly looked up from your slouched position, your (e/c) eyes looking directly into his brown ones. His breath was almost stolen away. Now that he finally got a proper look at you...

God, you were drop-dead gorgeous.

"Y-Yeah," you answered just above a whisper. "Do you need something, Sakamoto-san?"

"Well, I was thinkin'," he started off, rubbing the nape of his neck, "you've seemed pretty down recently, and, well-uh, I mean-uh... You just broke your leg, and all that... and, uh..." Geez, he was sounding like a fool. It's not like he was asking you out or anything, but how exactly do you talk to the most quiet person in class after they've been feeling horribly depressed? "I was just thinkin' that if you didn't have anythin' to do that me and you could go get some ramen. I know this great place in Ogikubo. I'd happily buy you a bowl to, y'know, help you become happier, I guess." The dark-haired boy gave you a - hopefully - friendly smile.

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