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        You didn't leave right away, wanting to calm down your shaking in case Sayuri was home. Eventually, your breathing slowed and your shaking stop. You had to keep telling yourself that all of that was behind you, that the only reason why this place existed was because of what happened in the past, not the present. You walked out of the room and out of the mansion. The fuzzy feeling came back as you exited the Metaverse. You stared at your apartment building, the image of the mansion still standing there. You took a shaky breath. "It's in the past. Sayuri would never do that to you. She rescued you and has taken great care of you ever since. It's in the past," you mumbled to yourself, walking up the steps to the apartment.

Inserting your key, you debated with yourself on whether or not you wanted your guardian to be home. On one hand, she was home, and she would quickly see how deeply shaken up you were no matter how hard you tried to hide it. On the other hand, if no one was home, then you would be left alone with nothing but your thoughts for company. The last thing you wanted right now was to be drowning in your thoughts. With what little confidence you had, you pushed open the door. "I'm home!" you shouted into your apartment, only for your words to echo off the empty walls. Alone with your thoughts, it was.

You throw your bag on the couch, your body shortly following after it. You released a sigh, feeling the surfacing ache in your knee fade away. You pulled up your black legging, revealing your misshapen and discolored knee. The longer you stared, the more sounds you could hear from back then. The sickening crack, your cries of pain, the merciless laughing... All of it rang crystal clear in your head as if it all happened yesterday. You shook your head to rid yourself of the thoughts. It all ended six, almost seven, years ago. Even without the involvement of the police, everything would still have ended. The bang of a gun sounded in your head.

You huffed, rolling you legging down and popping up from the couch. You were hungry, and some food mixed with bad romcons would do a lot of good for you. You made your way to the kitchen, and you found a note taped to your fridge.

(Y/n), work's called me in for an all-night shift. I'm sorry to leave you alone another night. Unfortunately, I had to take the last of the leftovers for dinner since I assume I won't have time to go out. There's enough money for you and a friend to go out to eat on the counter. Nothing too expensive, okay? I expect change. Love you, sweetie. -Sayuri

You scoffed, your eyebrows falling flat in mock offense. Although, it almost seemed real. "She didn't leave me food? How rude." Looking over to see a pile of five thousand yen. "Jeez, you give me this much cash and expect me not to go somewhere expensive? Though, she did say it was for two." You thought about who to bring, and your thoughts instantly went to Ryuji. However, he did say he was going to 'have a bro moment' with Akira, A.K.A going into the Metaverse with Akira. Makoto said she would be busy with studying for entrance exams tonight. Tuesday was her study night, after all. You also didn't have Ann's number to see if she was willing to hang out with you. That only left you with one person, and frankly, you weren't entirely sure how his schedule was looking. You pulled out your phone, hitting the call button. "Please be free," you begged. "Please be free."

"Hello? (Y/n)? Did you need something? Is something wrong?"

"Whoa, slow down, mister Prince Detective," you giggled, his rapid-fire questions obviously hinting his worry. You hardly ever called first. "I'm just fine. I just wanted to know if you were free."

"Why?" Akechi questioned. "I could make some time if you want me to."

"If you're busy, then I don't want to bother you," you stated. "I was just wondering if you had enough free time to go out to eat for dinner somewhere. Sayuri isn't home today and left enough money with me for two people to eat. Maybe we could even hit up the shooting range after..?" There was a small pause of silent, and you getting scared that Akechi would decline.

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