The Art of Seduction

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        You had stayed behind again due to your broken bones. You cursed the handicap you had and couldn't wait to remove them on Sunday. Only four more days to go, you would chant to yourself. You only had four more days until you could say goodbye to these clunky and stifling items. Time couldn't pass by any slower.

A little less than two hours later, your phone rang. You quickly picked it up after seeing it was Ryuji's contact. "Hey," you said. "How's the infiltration going?"

"We're kinda in a rut," Ryuji replied. "I'll start from the beginning and give you the basic rundown of what happened. Remember me tellin' you about the pictures of the pupils 'n stuff?" You hummed in agreement. "Well, suddenly that area has infrared lasers. It's a pain in the ass, but Akira can somehow see them and bypass them. Well, Mona got us stuck in a trap, which our glorious leader also got us out of. It turns out that some of the lasers have to be turned off by passcodes. That kinda leads us to our last big discovery. We managed to find a door, but we can't open it because of the lasers which can only be turned off by what's on the other side of the door. Morgana said that there was a way to open the door, though. 'Said that we could open it from the real world, and that will open it in the cognitive world or somethin' like that."

"Well, I would assume it would work like that," you said, adjusting your phone to hold it between your ear and your shoulder. "The cognitive world is completely based off a person's view of the real world. Madarame thinks no one can access that room but him. If that room were to open not by his methods, than that view would collapse until he does something in the real world to reinforce that thought. For instance, put even more locks on it."

"Geez, how do you know this stuff already?" Ryuji huffed from the other end. "Anyway, that's not where our problem is. Our problem is Ann, Akira, and I are not allowed to step foot on that property unless we want to be sued. Morgana kinda needs a way to sneak in, and someone needs to distract Yusuke while Morgana picks the locks." You furrowed your brows. What was he getting at? "We figured the only way to do that... was by havin' you go nude."

"WHAT?!" You could hear the blond stumble with his phone because of your unholy screech. "Ryuji, do you think this is funny? Because it's not. I swear to god, I will come over there and break all the bones in your body before shooting you in the head with a-"

"Whoa, whoa, hey, calm down!" Ryuji exclaimed, slightly fearing for his life. "I'm not sayin' you have to actually get naked. You just need to distract him for a while. I don't know... Wear a bunch of clothes and then slowly take them off while he's lookin' away or somethin'. Just make sure Morgana gets enough time to pick that lock."

"And what if I run out of ideas to stall and Morgana isn't finished?" you questioned. "What if I get found out?"

"I don't know!" Ryuji puffed. "Just run into the palace or somethin'. You're smart. You can think of something." You growled over the phone, not wanting to deal with the bullshit that the group wanted you to. "Please, (Y/n)? This might be the only way we can get past that door. It may be the only way we can fully stop Madarame and save Yusuke." You sighed, your lips curling into a pout. This boy sure knew how you worked.

"Fine," you grumbled. "But only because we don't have any other ideas." You could hear Ryuji cheer from the other side. "You sound like you want this."

"I... I don't know how to respond to that without it soundin' bad." You 'hmphed'. "Anyway, we want to do this as soon as possible, so could you contact Yusuke and tell him you want to model tomorrow."

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