First Treasure: Stolen

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        Sunday, May 22nd. You, Ryuji, Ann, and Akira all loitered in a more secluded place of the art exhibit, overhearing the conversation between a guard and Madarame. You tapped your foot impatiently as you leaned against the wall next to Ryuji. Your blond bestie was peeking past the displays to keep his eye on Madarame. "I think he got it," he muttered to the rest of the group. A few minutes later, Yusuke appeared around one of the pieces.

"Will that do?" he asked, unsure at his work.

"Yup!" Ann assured. "It was perfect. The composition was way cooler, too."

"All thanks to me," you brag proudly.

"The treasure should appear right about now," Morgana informs.

"You better enjoy the air of freedom while you can, old man," Ryuji taunts, his eyes focusing back on the fraud. He pushes himself off the wall, and you do the same. "Anyways, d'you guys check online? People are already talkin' about that callin' card. We'll show 'em. We're gonna surprise 'em all."

"I'm sure you know this, but we've got one shot to pull this off," Morgana warned.

"I'm counting on you guys," Akira said, his eyes showing his trust in us.

"We won't let you down," you stated firmly.

"We're counting on you, too," Ann said.

"You have no reservations about this either, right, Yusuke?" Morgana asked.

"Of course not," the artist affirmed. The six of you nodded together before walking out of the exhibit and to Yusuke's home, as well as Madarame's Palace. You used the Nav on your phone, and you reveled in the fuzzy feeling as you all were sent to the Metaverse. You smirked underneath your mask, feeling excited to finally finish your first real job in this world.

"The atmosphere here is significantly different," Yusuke noted.

"I mean, we did basically declare war on him by sendin' that card," Ryuji explained.

"However, there's nothing to fear," Morgana assured. "We've secured a route, and we're ready to go. We'll take the treasure in style." You all nodded with a confident smirk. It was time to steal Madarame's heart. The group quickly made their way through the palace, reaching the control room in record time.

"It's finally time," Ryuji said, serious determination lacing his voice.

"There will be no turning back once we begin this operation," Yusuke stated.

"And if worst comes to worst, we might have to fight," Ann furthered.

"That's right," Morgana affirmed. "Are you ready, Joker?" he asked Akrira.

"Ready as I'll ever be," he responded.

"Okay. Everyone to your positions." You all nodded.

"Panther, Skull, come with me," you ordered. "There could be an enemy in the control room."

"Right!" they agreed at the same time. The three of you dashed out the door and sneakily made your way to the room that cut off the power. The three of you hid behind the edge of the door. Ann and Ryuji were near the edge while you leaned over Ann's shoulder.

"There's an enemy inside, just as expected," Ann grumbled.

"I mean, we've done a ton in here," Ryuji said. "It ain't surprisin'."

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