The Discovery of Madarame's Palace

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        Ryuji pouted as he stood on the train. He had given the last seat to you, seeing as how you were recovering, he didn't want to take a seat from Akira, and Ann would hit him if he dared try to take her seat. "Phantom Thieves goin' by train," he grumbled. "This ain't any different than how I get home from school, ya know?"

"Did you expect us to go by super-sleek sports car?" you sarcastically questioned, shifting your book bag in your lap. "Or maybe you wanted us to walk the whole way there."

"No, I didn't mean nothin' like that," he denied. "I just thought we'd be doin' things... I dunno, with more style, I guess?"

"The train was the fastest way to go," Ann explained. "Plus, we can bring pets on here." Morgana popped out from Akira's bag.

"Hey, who are you calling a pet?!" he cried. You quickly placed a finger to your lips.

"Shush, Morgana!" you demanded. "We didn't pay the pet fare."

"I'm the one guiding you to your destination!" Morgana pointed out. "You should be calling me 'Master'." Your fists clenched around the bars of your crutch.

"I refuse to call anyone 'Master'," you declared. Though it meant to be said jokingly, it came out more harsh and forceful. Just saying the word left a bad taste in your mouth. Before anyone could point out your change in behavior, a little girl walked up to you four.

"Ooo, kitty!" she cooed. The four of you froze up. "Is this your pet, sir?" the girl asked Akira. "I heard it meowing."

"It's a stuffed animal," Akira answered.

"Yeah," Ann continued. "It meows when you press its head."

"You heard her, Akira," Ryuji said, a smirk growing on his face. "Press on its head."

"This is ridic-" Akira cut off Morgana's complaining by pressing his hand on Morgana's head. "M-Meewww." You had to fight a smile growing on your face. You had to agree with Morgana, this was ridiculous, but you'd be lying if you said it wasn't funny.

"Woweee!" squealed the girl. "Again! Again!" Akira looked over to you, seeing that your expression was lighter than it was a minute ago. Turning his gaze back to Morgana, who had a slightly pleading look, he gave off wickedly mischievous vibes, making the poor cat fear for his sanity. Akira rapidly slammed his hand into Morgana's skull, causing the poor cat to cry out. You snorted and placed your hand over your mouth to hold back your raging laughter. The intercom came on, saying that the next stop was Shibuya.

"Oh, that's our stop!" Ann stated. "We'll see you later! Bye-bye!" The girl nodded, saying her goodbyes as well. The moment you got off the subway, you let out your laughter. It echoed through the station, causing some people to look at you, but you didn't care. Akira smiled as he watched you heavily lean on you crutch to help you balance. That was more like it.

You stood in front of a house, if you could even call it that. It was made out of rusting metals and rotting wood. Honestly, the place looked like it could collapse at any given moment. Was this really where Yusuke lived? Maybe you should get Child Protective Services involved.

"Is... that it?" Ryuji questioned, a skeptical look in his eyes. It looked like he was thinking the exact same thing you were. You glanced down at your phone, rereading the address before looking at the address on the house.

"We're at the right address," you said.

"The nameplate does say Madarame," Ann pointed out.

"Uhhh..." Ryuji looked at you. "(Y/n), you ring the bell."

"What?!" You flinched. "Me?! But, what if I ring the bell and the whole shack collapses?! Will I be responsible?!" You sighed, slowly creeping up to the bell. "I'll be gentle, I guess."

Persona 5 x F!ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora