Dinner with a Detective

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        "That's where we're eating?!" you questioned, dumbfounded.

"Is there a problem with the place I chose?" Akechi asked. "I can change if need be."

"It's not that I have a problem with the place; I would love to go there. It's just... I don't have clothes for a restaurant that fancy." Akechi, keeping his promise of taking you to dinner on his free day. However, he chose the Jade Serpent for where you would be dining which was one of the most prestigious restaurants in Japan. You think you could scrape by on paying for your food, but there was no way you had anything even remotely classy enough to wear to that place.

"Oh, is that it? I can simply buy you something to wear if that's the issue."

"Oh, no, no, no," you declined fervently. "You are not buying me anything to wear."

"Why's that? I'll let you choose if that's what's bothering you."

"I don't want you buying anything for me. Do you understand? You already deal with enough things as it is. I don't want you wasting your money on buying something nice for me."

"I'm buying this dinner, aren't I?"

"Not all of it." You could hear Goro sigh over the phone.

"(Y/n), I'm a lone high school student with far too much money on his hands. Please, just let me treat you for tonight. You, of all people, should be allowed a single day of luxury." You didn't reply for a moment.

"I won't like it." Goro chuckled.

"You say that now, but I'm sure you'll start enjoying yourself when we actually get there."

"Whatever," you huffed with a roll of your eyes.

"I'll be over in a couple hours. Oh, and (f/c) is your favorite color, yes?"

"Yes..." you answered with suspicion.

"That's all I needed to know." He hung up the phone, and you frowned. Who knows how many thousands of yen that detective was going to spend on you tonight, all without a single care in the world. You felt guilty how much he was willing to spend on you. You didn't need this, but he just wouldn't get off the idea that he had to pay for everything.

Instead of continuing mulling over the fact Goro was being stupid and irrational with his money, you decided to at least fix up the rest of yourself. First, you started with your hair. There was one thing about it being so long that made it great for styling. However, you didn't feel like going all-out, so you decided to go with simple curls. Next was a bit of light makeup. Basic foundation, a little eyeliner, some paler lipstick. You looked in your bathroom. You haven't seen yourself so done-up in a while. Not too long after you finished, the bell to your apartment rang.

You opened the door to reveal none other than the detective himself, clad in a white suite that perfectly fitted him. His hair was pulled back a bit from his face You pouted. "I can't believe you're doing this," you huffed, letting him inside.

"You still got ready, didn't you?" he hummed in satisfaction, walking. You rolled your eyes and playfully stuck out your tongue. Goro held up a bag for you to take. Curiously, you took it and looked inside. There was some (f/c) fabric folded neatly in plastic wrap. "I made sure to try and get one that showed as little skin as possible; I know how you hate doing so. I also took the liberty to purchase you shoes as well. I hope they match your liking." You bit your lip.

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