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        Once you exited out of the Metaverse, your phone quickly blew up with notifications. You quickly pulled out of your pocket. Most of them were texts from the group chat and Ryuji. You also had multiple missed calls from the blond boy. You sighed, realizing you had been gone longer than you thought. Ryuji was worried because you weren't answering your phone. You were about to call him back to reassure that you were okay when a single missed call from Akechi's number caught your eye. You hadn't heard from him in a few days, so getting a call from him was a little unexpected. You quickly put calling Ryuji on pause, seeing as Ryuji has far more free time than Akechi does. Besides, Akechi called only fifteen minutes ago. He may not have much free time left.

You hit Goro's contact number. The phone rang once, twice, thrice before the detective picked up. "Ah, you called back." Goro's voice sounded relieved. "I started to worry a little. You usually always pick up your phone when someone calls."

"Yeah, sorry," you apologized. "I got a little carried away in some research I was doing."

"Research?" the detective questioned. "What kind? I'm sure I could help you out if I knew what kind."

"Thanks for the offer, but I already finished it," you replied. "It was just some things about the mind and how what we see in reality corresponds with our mental visual interpretations."

"That's oddly specific."

"Well, I didn't specifically look it up, but that's the part I was most interested in. I ended up searching up a lot more about it than I intended." You attempted not to fiddle with your sleeves. You felt he could just tell if you were messing with them or not.

"Sounds interesting. I may have to invest a little time to it later."

"If you have time," you teased, which Akechi lightly laughed at. "Oh, why did you call, by the way? You didn't call me on Sunday, and you called me today. Did your schedule change?"

"Ah, yes, that's actually what I called you about." Akechi clears his throat. "I wanted to apologize about Sunday. I got engulfed in work, and I forgot to call you. I promise it wasn't intentional."

"Oh, you don't have to apologize for that," you said sweetly. "I know how busy you can get. Don't worry about it."

"You're too understanding, (Y/n)." Goro said. You could almost see the small smile that was decorating his face. One of his real smiles that seemed to make the world seem a bit brighter. "I would still like to make it up to you, though. I have a free day coming up, and I could take you out to dinner then."

"You don't have to use your free day on me." Your cheeks flushed a little, flattered and flustered by the direct way he asked to hang out.

"But I would like to," he responded. Your cheeks flushed a little more. This boy was bold and maybe needed to watch the way he words things. "It's been a while since I've had a day off. Unfortunately, it's on a school day, so it's not much of a day off. However, I don't have to go back to work afterward. I'd like to spend some time with a friend, and you're the only true friend I have." Your heart stung a little at the last statement. You weren't sure if Akechi was doing it on purpose or not, but he was guilt-tripping you. You sighed.

"Fine, you win," you huffed. You could almost see Akechi's smug smile. "You can text me the details later. Unfortunately, I have to be the one to let you go. Someone else is expecting a call from me, and it's starting to get pretty late."

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