Mishima's Love

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        Mishima will never forget the day he first saw you. It was summer break, and he was only eleven. His parents had dropped him off at the park so he could play while they continue on with work. It was a safe neighborhood, and his parents trusted their son enough to not run off with strangers. He was playing tag with other children his age. He knew none of their names, but that didn't mean he had less fun because of it.

He was 'it' and was chasing after a girl who was about a year older than him. That's when he noticed you. He slowed down to a stop to watch your arrival. You held the hand of a woman dressed in a police uniform. She kneeled down to you before saying a few words. You said nothing in return, and simply looked at her with a dead expression. Your eyes held no joy like the other children. When the woman didn't get a response, she simply gave a tight-lipped smile. She gave you a hug and a pat on the head before leaving.

You didn't move for the longest time and only stared off into the distance. Mishima could hear the other kids yelling at him, so he broke his concentration off of you and began running after the other children, but not before your eyes connected with his.

Summer break was now almost over, and Mishima kept seeing you over and over at the park. Every time, your mother would give you a hug, and you wouldn't respond. After she left, you would trot over to the swings no one ever played on and sit alone, your eyes giving off a dead glow all the while. Today was no different. You sat on the swing, your head down and your long hair covering a good portion of your face. Mishima frowned at the sight. What could make a kid so unhappy every single day? He looked back at the other children that happily frolicked and played before returning his gaze back to you. He made a step forward, and then another one. Before he knew it, he was walking right up to you.

"Hey, do you wanna play?" he asked you with a small smile. Your gaze shifted up, and your lifeless (e/c) stared back at him. You didn't say anything for a bit.

"No, thank you." Your voice was almost too quiet to hear, but Mishima heard it. His smile fell a little.

"Oh," he muttered. "Okay!" His smile grew back, but larger this time. "Just know that you can join whenever you want to." Then, he walked off.

That wasn't the last time he confronted you. Every once in a while, he would ask you if you wanted to play. That every once in a while eventually turned into everyday. Each time he asked, you always politely declined. This continued for half a year. However, today was different.

"Why do you keep coming over here?" Mishima stopped in his tracks. You were looking up already, and your dull eyes stared into his. "My answer will always be the same. I thought you would have given up by now." It took Mishima a second to answer. Why did he keep coming over here?

"I guess it's because... you don't look happy," he replied. You didn't seem to have much of a reaction, so the boy kept going. "You always come over here and sit by yourself, and you don't look happy by yourself. I know I'm happier when I play, so I thought you might too. I want to be your friend!" You blinked.

"How can we be friends if we don't even know each other's names?" you questioned.

"Oh!" the boy exclaimed. "I'm Yuuki Mishima! What's your name?"

"(Y/n) (L/n)," you returned simply.

"Do you want to play, (L/n)?" You looked away from Mishima and towards the other kids who were laughing away. You pursed your lips before shaking your head. Mishima frowned before looking back at the other children. "How about you play with just me?" Mishima grabbed your wrist and tugged you off the swing set. "Let's go play hide-and-seek!" It was barely there, but a little bit of light shone in your (e/c) eyes.

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