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        Today was the day of the volleyball rally. You personally didn't see a point in this asides from inflating Kamoshida's ego even more. You had to admit that this whole thing could be fun if it wasn't for the fact that the volleyball team members were in horrible condition. Ragged and weary, each one forcing themselves to crouch down in position another time to face another one of Kamoshida's spikes. To you, it really didn't sound like fun.

You sat in the gym next to Ryuji and Akira, your PE clothes doing little to cover your bad knee. The second years of the boy's volleyball team was up, meaning that Mishima was on the court. Kamoshida hit another spike, earning another point for the teachers. They congratulated the PE teacher. The volleyball team all looked worn out, and they seemed ready to give up. Mishima especially looked ready just give in and accept his defeat. Not wanting to see someone who you once, and still to this day, cared deeply for give in, you gently cupped your hands around your mouth.

"Yeah! Go Mishima!" you cheered. "You can do it!" The boy looked up from the floor. His cheeks flushed a small bit, but they quickly went back to his normal color. Mishima frowned and dropped his stance. Kamoshida spiked the ball, and it soared directly into Mishima's face. You gasped as your ex crashed to the ground. Kamoshida ducked underneath the net after a bit of agitated hesitation. He kneels down next to Mishima, and you stood up from your spot on the floor and jogged to the two.

"Sorry!" he fake apologized. "Hey, are you alright?"

"I'll take him to the nurse's office," you volunteered. Kamoshida looked up at you, his eyes showing frustration.

"But, (L/n)-chan, your knee-"

"Oh, it's fine," you stated quickly. "I'm a strong girl. I can take him to the nurse's office." The PE teacher didn't say anything after that, not wanting to be found guilty of anything he's done. He figured it would just be best to let you have your way for now. You slung one of Mishima's arms around your shoulder and lifted him up onto his unsteady feet. You kept all of your weight on your good leg, making sure that neither of you would go tumbling to the ground. Slowly, the two of you made it to the nurse's office. However, when you looked inside, no one was there. You figured the nurse must be on her break.

You carefully set Mishima on one of the beds in the back. You noticed there was a bit of blood streaming from his nose, and his lip was badly split open. You quickly began to dig around in the cabinets, trying to find some disinfectant and and wipe. Eventually, you managed to find some as well as an ice pack from the freezer. You wrapped the ice pack in a cloth before returning to the boy. You handed him the ice pack.

"For your nose," you stated softly. Mishima sheepishly took the pack from your hand. You brought the antiseptic and the wipe into his view. "Do you mind?" Mishima pulled the ice pack away to give you some room to work. You gently smiled, pouring a bit of antiseptic on the corner of the cloth. You move closer to Mishima to get a better view. His breath hitched at how close you two were. You sheepishly dab the wipe on the cut, causing the boy to flinch in pain. "S-Sorry!" you quickly apologized, trying to be even more gentle with the cloth. Eventually, you were finished and threw the wipe away. Mishima placed the ice pack back on his nose, and the two of you were left in awkward silence. "I-I can't officially give you a concussion test, I don't think," you stated quietly. "We'll have to wait for the nurse for that." Your ex said nothing, just simply stared at his feet. The silence was suffocating, and you wanted nothing more than to get some sort of response out of him. "You know..." you began, "you don't have to keep putting up with this. You know Sayuri is a big head in the police department. She can help you. I'm sure if you tell her what's happened to you, she'll send in an investigation team straight away."

Persona 5 x F!ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon