Caught Red-Handed

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        "Well, color me pink!" exclaimed the physical therapist, watching as you easily hustled around on your crutch. A week had passed, and like the doctor said, you healed up fast enough to have a brace replace your cast and you now wore a boot around your broken leg. The brace allowed your previously hot and sweaty arm to breathe. Of course, your arm was still hot and sweaty, but now you could open your brace for a few seconds to let it air out and cool down. The boot was big and clunky and a bit uncomfortable. However, you were walking and out of the wheelchair which was all you cared about. "I thought it would at least take another week before you were even strong enough to stand, but I guess I was wrong. The doctor really was right about you healing fast." You had been working on getting up and steadily walking almost all day, and now that you've gotten the hang of it, you were practically as fast as lightning.

"Well, I did go through this a couple times before, and it was much harder the first time," you state. "You tend to pick up a few things."

"Those aren't things you should be picking up," the therapist muttered. He shook his head. "In any case, your mother should be filling out the release forms right now. Then, you'll be as free as a bird." Just as he said, Sayuri came back a few moments later to take you wherever. You picked up your small tote bag, slinging it over your shoulder before grabbing your crutch and following Sayuri out of the room.

"Actually, Sayrui, can I ride the subway for a bit?" you asked, adjusting your jacket and making sure everything was in place.

"What?" the head police officer questioned rhetorically. "But you just got out of the hospital."

"That's exactly why I want to go!" you stated. "I've been stuck in a wheelchair for two weeks and in bed for another one. I haven't been able to ride the subway because of that."

"You're still healing, though," Sayuri countered. "What if you fall and reverse everything you just healed? You need to rest some before going off on the subway somewhere."

"Please?!" you pleaded, the both of you exiting the hospital. "I really need a break. I need to do something to relax myself. You know how much the subway does that." Sayuri stopped and rubbed the bridge of her nose with a sigh.

"I guess it's fine as long as you have someone with you," she caved. You cheered, pulling out your phone and pretending to text one of your friends. Now, your shadow's plan could finally go into motion.

"Thanks, Sayuri," you gleefully said, giving the cop a hug. She rolled her eyes, unable to stop the smile that was breaking onto her face. She patted you head, mumbling a 'yeah, yeah'.

"You better be back home by the time I return from work tonight, you hear? I'm not doing overtime tonight just to make sure." You gave her a playful salute before quickly hobbling off right next to the Shibuya Station. School had just ended, so the three people you had on your mind were probably now just getting out. You clicked the red-and-black eye app, the navigation system instantly coming up. You pressed the speaker on the search bar.

"Mementos," you said slowly, making sure to pronounce everything just as your shadow had said. You felt the same fuzziness you normally do when you enter the Metaverse. This time, you weren't greeted with a palace, but a black and red version of the city. You looked down into the subway, nothing but inky blackness in the tunnel. It made you nervous, but you had to choke it down. You had to do this. With a deep breath, you trotted down the stairs into the subway. It was barely any different than the world above, but it didn't ease you anxiety any further. You decided to sit behind one of the glowing pillars and wait for those three to eventually show up.

Time ticked by slowly, and you wanted to just call it quits before voices echoed through the walls. "Wait up, cat!" That voice was clearly Ryuji's. Footsteps sounded soon after. "The hell is this place?" Ryuji questioned, his voice sounding closer than before. "Wait, our clothes changed?!" You furrowed your eyebrows. That's never happened to you before.

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