A New Member

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        Once the flames died, the air chilled almost to the point where you began shivering. "A breathtaking sight," Yusuke said, his clothes changing into a strange costume of his own. "Limitations though they may be, but together, they make a fine spectacle. Though the flowers of evil blossom, be it known... Abominations are fated to perish!" A blast of cold wind came from Yusuke, causing you to hug your arms. The wind blasted the shadows away, making the freeze before shattering once they hit the ground. Shadow Madarame also brought his hand up to block the wind.

"Woah, this is impressive!" Morgana exclaimed in awe. Shadow Madarame swung his hand down with a grunt, swiping away at the icy mist that clouded the room. He humphed.

"Who do you think you are?" he growled. "The price for your insolence will be death! Where are my guards?! Kill them all!" More shadows appeared, ready to beat the group down.

"The children who adored you as 'father'... The prospects of your pupils... How many did you trample upon?" Shadow Madarame gave a smirk as he rubbed his chin while Yusuke continued to talk. "How many dreams did you exchange for riches?! No matter what it takes, I will bring you to justice!" Akira smirked.

"Let's see what you're made of," he said.

"Very well!" Yusuke complied. "Bring it on!" He gave a wild grin that made a shiver go up your spine. Yusuke, Akira, Ryuji, and Ann all stepped forward while Morgana stayed behind to protect you.

"You are in the presence of Lord Madarame!" howled the lead shadow. "On your knees, intruders!"

"I learned much from you Madarame," Yusuke said. "In order to see authenticity, one must be dispassionately realistic. With Goemon by my side, I can now ascertain your true self without any reservations!" Yusuke sent out the first attack, initiating the battle. As each turned passed, you watched in awe as everyone summoned their personas. Each one was so unique and different, but each one was equally beautiful. You would be lying if you said you weren't jealous. You were curious as to why Akira was able to use multiple while everyone else could only use one. Did Akira have a special ability or something?

Before long, the fight was over. Yusuke stepped forward, but collapsed with a grunt. You darted away from Morgana to lean down by his side. "Yusuke, you've just thrown your bright future down the drain," Shadow Madarame growled. "I'll destroy every chance you've ever had of becoming an artist!" Yusuke growled out Madarame's name. "You'll rue the day you dare defy me." He then walked away, leaving the rest of you behind him.

"Get... back here!" Yusuke demanded, attempting to run after him. However, you held him back, knowing hoe exhausted he must have been.

"Don't push yourself," you softly chided.

"Why can't I move?" he questioned, trying to stand back up.

"Listen, you're totally drained," Ann stated. "You can't do much even if you wanted to."

"What a disgrace I am," mumbled Yusuke in disappointment.

"That's not true," you disagreed. "You've been through a lot today. You just need to rest up, and then I'm sure you'll be back on your feet."

"C'mon," Ryuji urged, "just listen to them." You offered a gentle smile to the young artist, and he allowed you to wrap one of his arms around your shoulders and carry him off to a set of plush couches. Once Yusuke was set down, you sat next to him. The others stood around the two of you. It was silent for a bit before Ann spoke.

"You've known for quite some time, haven't you?"

"I'm no fool," Yusuke hissed under his breath. "Strange people have been coming by for years, and the plagiarism was an everyday affair. But, who would want to admit that the man they owed their life to was doing horrible things?" You gently grabbed Yusuke's hand, causing him to look up from his lap.

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