Chapter 24

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Scarlett's POV

Due to obvious reasons, school was going to be canceled for the next two weeks. There were a few kids who didn't make it and a couple teachers. Which is absolutely heartbreaking. To lose a loved one like that. I am so grateful that my little girl came out safe and unharmed, but I still can't help but feel broken for those who lost someone. Let alone their child. I pulled Novah close to me and rubbed her arm as we walked into the house.

"Oh good! You're okay!" My mom said as she came from the living room. Not long after finding out about the shooting, she showed up after hearing about it herself and then volunteered to watch the kids for us as we went to get Novah, Which I was thankful for. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have my mom. She's always been there for me through thick and thin and I wouldn't trade her for the world.

Novah smiled and nodded, "I'm okay." And she was soon engulfed in a hug by mom, which she happily returned. "Good. We were so worried." Mom backed up slightly and kissed her forehead and looked over at me. "Are you okay?" I smile and nod "I'm okay now that I know she's okay." She smiled in return. "Where are Cosmo and Rose?" I ask after realizing I haven't seen them. "Cosmo was just put down for his nap a little while ago and Rose ended up falling asleep too after complaining she wasn't tired." She playfully rolled her eyes. I chuckled. Sounds about right.

I look over at Novah. "Maybe you should take a little nap too. It's been a long day." She wrinkled her nose "what? Uh, no thanks. I'm not tired, I don't need a nap." I raise my eyebrow. I know for a fact that she's tired. I can see it in her eyes. But of course kids usually act liked they aren't tired when they in fact, are. Why, I don't know. I'd kill to have a nap.

I look over at mom as she chuckled "you and Rose. My goodness." And she walks to the kitchen. Novah looked confused "what does she mean by that?" I smile "nothing. Just that you and your sister are a lot alike." Colin walks over to Novah, "well if you aren't going to take a nap, at least go change into some comfortable clothes. Then we can all snuggle up on the couch and watch a movie." He suggested. The moment those words left his mouth she rushed off upstairs. I chuckled and looked over at Colin. "How are you? Really." He asked as he pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead "I'm okay. Now especially knowing that she's okay." He smiles and nods "What about you?" He looked taken aback some not expecting me to ask "I'm alright. I got my family all safe and sound at home. What more could I want?" I smile and kiss him before walking to upstairs to go change.

Novah's POV

The moment mom suggested me to take a nap, I cringed. I mean, yeah I'm tired. But I don't want to be told to take a nap like some 8 year old. Once dad-I mean Colin, suggested cuddles and a movie I immediately came to change into some sweatpants and t-shirt. Before I decided to go downstairs, I texted the friend group.

Loser squad

                                              Me: Hey, is everyone okay                   after today? Like, not hurt or anything?

Kristen: yeah I'm good. Just still in shock.

Zach: yeah I'm alright

Avery: me too

Dalton: same

Kaitlyn: I'm okay

Sam: all good over here, what about you?

Me: yeah, I'm okay. Good to
know you are all alright.

Avery: umm, this may sound weird but I just gotta know... was that Scarlett Johansson I seen picking you up earlier? Cause that low key looked too much like her not to be.

Oh crap. What do I say to that? Do I just tell them the truth. Oh what the heck.

Me: umm, well....yeah. But please
refrain from asking questions
I will answer them as soon as I
can but just not right now.

Zach: WHAT?!

Avery: 😧

Kristen: is this a joke?

Sam: ....

Dalton: Chile, anyway....
Read 3:46 PM

Looks like the cat is starting to come outta the bag. I sigh and start to head down the stairs but me being my clumsy self of course and slipped and fell right as I was to the bottom. "Novah! Are you okay?" Mom asked as she saw the whole thing. I just silently laid there questioning my life choices also trying not to laugh and ignore the pain. "Yep. I'm great." She helped me up and dusted me off "you sure? You fell pretty hard." I shrug "yeah I'm okay. Really. I've had worse anyway." I reply not really thinking. She frowned at that "anyway, what movie are we watching?" I ask as I walk into the living room where Colin and Nana were sitting.

I sat next to Colin and laid my head on his shoulder "whatever you want sunshine." I smile at the nickname and cuddle further into him, which he didn't seem to mind. Mom soon joined us after I had picked a movie with a bowl of popcorn. "So what did you pick?" I reached over and took a handful of popcorn "Percy Jackson. Is that okay?" She smiles "of course, whatever you want baby." I smile as I cuddle back into Colin.

Scarlett's POV

My heart absolutely swelled when I seen Novah all cuddled up with Colin. Seeing how good Colin is with our son and with Rose and Novah, it just makes me fall in love with him all over again. I'm happy that Novah is starting to get close to him. For the past few weeks I've noticed that she would usually keep her distance, but at the same time still interact with him like she was trying to get to know him. But she still seemed hesitant. She sometimes even seemed that way with me. I want to chalk it all up to just it all being new to her and not knowing her long, but I can't help but feel like there is more to it. And the comment she made earlier just confirmed my suspicions.

About halfway through the movie, I kept seeing Novah fighting her sleep. I smirked knowing I was right about her being tired but I kept quiet deciding to wait till she fell asleep on her own. I started softly scratching her leg that was laid across my lap, which I could tell just made her even more sleepier, then turned my attention back to the movie.

A few minutes later, I looked at mom who tapped me then pointed towards Novah and Colin. I look over and see Novah laid next to Colin with her arm across his stomach and his arm across her shoulders, both of them passed out asleep. I grin as I slowly get up and take a picture and cover them with a blanket.

Mom and I made our way into the kitchen and silently joke at what we saw. "So much for not being tired." Mom says which I smile and nod at but then pout. "I can't help but feel jealous that he stole my Novi cuddles tho." Mom laughs and pulls me into a hug. "I'm sure you'll get you're Novi cuddles."  I grin and pull away. "Well I'm gonna go check on Cosmo and Rose." She nods and starts making herself some coffee as I head upstairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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