Chapter 19

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Novah's POV

It was the next day and I had arrived at the school. I was at my locker sorting my things to make it easier for the day when Kristen showed up. "Hey Novah." She greeted. I look over at her and smile, "hey Kristen. What's up?" She shrugged. "Nothing much. Hey, I wanted you to meet my friends. Would you want to meet up at lunch?" I smiled in thought. "I mean, I don't see why not." Her smile grew. "Yes. Alright. Well, I can't wait. Just want to warn you though. They may seem a bit standoffish at first. But that's just because they don't know you that well." We started walking towards our classes. "Once they get to know you, I'm sure they'll love you. Their names are Zach, Avery, Dalton, Kaitlyn, and Sam." She continued. I nod along to what she told me. "Ok, we'll, I can't wait to meet them."

We soon parted ways and headed to our respected classes. The first half of the day went by without a hitch and it was finally lunch time. Which meant it was time to meet Kristen's friends. Not gonna lie, I'm nervous. I've never really been good at making friends. I just want them to like me. Or at least tolerate me. Once I reached the cafeteria, I looked around trying to find Kristen when I saw her waving me over to the far right side of the room. "Novah! Good, you're here!" Kristen greeted as I approached her. "Guys, this is Novah. The new girl I told you all about." I looked over as she introduced me to her friends. "This is Zach, Avery, Dalton, Kaitlyn, and Sam." She said as she pointed to each person. Zach had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes with an lengthy athletic body and was wearing a football leathermen jacket. Avery was skinny and had blonde shoulder length hair with blue eyes and was wearing a cheerleading outfit, Kaitlyn had dark brown curly hair and darker skin with brown eyes and also had on a cheerleading outfit Dalton had brown hair and brown eyes and was wearing normal everyday clothes while Sam was tall and skinny and had brown hair and green eyes while also wearing normal clothes. "Hi." I say shyly.

They all waved as I sat next to Kristen as they Al continued to talk as if I wasn't there.  "So..." Avery began. "Novah, was it? Where are you from?" I look up at her slightly surprised. "Oh umm, I'm from Kentucky. Moved here a little over a month ago." I grew quiet for a moment before Dalton took over. "How come you moved here?" I thought it over for a bit. I don't want them to know that who my mom is. I'll just have to stretch the truth a bit. "Umm, well I ended up moving in with my mom." Yeah, that's good enough. "Your mom? Did you live with someone else before? Your dad or someone." Kaitlyn then asked. Of course they asked that. "Oh uh, y-yeah. I lived with my dad for pretty much all of my life. It's.... Complicated. I don't feel like going into it much."  I lied.

After a bit later, they finally changed the subject. For the rest of the day, I had it in my mind that I had to make sure I didn't forget what I had told them. So it can make it more believable. But it also brought to my attention that I don't know who my dad is at all. Who is he? And does he know about me? Does mom know who he is or was I just some mistake that happened with a one night stand or something. I have so many questions.

(AN: I'm so sorry for the super late update. I've been so busy these past couple of weeks due to the holidays. And I'm sorry that this is so short. I just wanted to get something out there. Anyway, I hope everyone had a good Christmas to those who celebrate and Happy New year!)

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