Chapter 2

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September 20th, 2022 - Scarlett's POV

"Scarlett... someone took her"

I remember that day like it was yesterday. Having my baby girl in my arms one moment, then the next... she was gone. We had police searching for days with no luck. The only clue we had was from the security cameras. It had caught a woman dressed as a nurse taking her out of the room. Apparently the woman didn't even work there. She just came right in and took her. They had searched and searched with no luck of finding the woman. The only clue we had to getting my little girl back.

I don't remember much after that. I went into a state of depression. For days it was all just a blur. I would hardly eat, hardly sleep, hardly even leave my bed. Finally my mother got through to me. Saying that if... no, when, they find my baby. It would be a lot better if I was in better shape. So I got up, and I pushed forward. No matter how hard it was. Years have passed since then. Fifteen years to be exact. I'm married now to my amazing husband Colin. Then there's my daughter Rose. My 8 year old daughter. Then lastly, my one year old son, Cosmo. I was hesitant about having another child after the incident. But I knew I couldn't hold on to the past forever. But that doesn't mean I would replace my first born. She will always, and I mean always, be a piece of my heart. My missing piece.

I was pulled out of my thoughts as I hear little feet patter across the kitchen floor. "Hi mama!" Rose greets me with a hug. "Hi baby! How did you sleep last night?" I ask her as I kiss her forehead. "I slept good. What's for breakfast?" I chuckle as I pull a plate full of pancakes over that I had cooked not long before Rose came down. "Yes! Pancakes!!" She exclaimed. I smile fondly as she eats her pancakes. "Mama, where's Colin? And Cosmo?" She asks. You see, Colin isn't Rose's biological father. I was married once before Colin. Which was when I had Rose. But that relationship didn't work out. So Rose's father and I share custody. She will go to France, which is where her father lives, and stay with him for a while, then come back to me. But Colin loves Rose just like she is his own. "Colin had to go to work a bit earlier sweetie. As for Cosmo, he's still sleeping."  I explain.

Later in the evening I will be taking Rose to the airport so she could go to her father's. But until then, I'm just gonna enjoy my time with her. I sometimes think that I will wake up, and Rose and Cosmo will no longer be there. Or that I'll wake up and Novah will still be there in the cubicle next to me asleep peacefully. That it was all just some big crazy nightmare. But this isn't a nightmare. This is real life. I know she is still out there somewhere. I just know it.

Novah's POV

Could this day get any more boring. It's to early for this crap. I mean, why do we have to get up so early for school. And why do we have to be there for so long. It's literally so dumb. A little nap shouldn't hurt. It's not like I'd miss much. I'm ahead of my class and a straight A student so it shouldn't matter. Yeah I think I'll do that.

I don't know how much time passed but I was woken up by someone kicking my leg. I look up and see my friend Madisen looking at me. "Yes?" I ask. " class is almost over. You slept through the whole lesson" she says. I shrugged as I sit up more and stretch a little. "It's not like I missed anything important.... I didn't miss anything important did I?" She just rolls her eyes and laughs a little. "No. Not like it matters. You'll just copy my notes down later." I give her a 'that's fair' look. As I was about to speak, the bell rang.

The rest of the day went on quickly. Thank God. I started headed to the public library to pass some time for the day since there ain't much you can do in a small town in Kentucky. I did not want to go home. I mean who would when their in the foster system. Unless you have a good home to go to. Me, well I just get ignored all the time. They only foster me for the money. They could care less about me, but not like it matters. In just a few years, I am outta here.

I would like to hang out with friends but Madisen is my only friend. And we really only hang out in school. Sounds sad I know, but that's just how it is. So I'm alone most of the time. But that's fine. I'd prefer to be alone anyway. As I was walking through the library trying to find a book to read, I just happen to look over and see a man and woman with a small little girl. They look so happy. For years I have wanted a family, a mother mostly. But I gave up on that thought a long time ago. I mean, no one wanted to adopt younger me, so why would they want to adopt teenage me.

I ended up in the foster system when I was five years old. My parents definitely weren't the best parents. They'd yell at me all the time and just tell me I was a waste of money and space. So I guess they finally had enough of me and abandoned me. Just like most people in my life. I sigh as I choose a random book to read. It just so happened to be a marvel comic. I LOVE marvel. Like obsessed. It's one of the only things that bring me joy in life. It's not the same though, since RDJ, Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson left though. I miss the OG's. But I still love it. Hours has passed since I've been at the library, as I looked at the clock I'd figured I'd better start heading back home. If I can even call it that.

(AN: Here's the second chapter. Also I don't know how the foster system works so I'm sorry if things aren't right)

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