Chapter 4

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Scarlett's POV

I was having another one of those days again. Where I would think of my little Novah. I think of her everyday, but there are some days where I just can't get her out of my head. Wondering what she looks like. If she looks like me, or if she looks like him. I know she has my eyes, I can never forget those beautiful green orbs staring right back at me.  I wonder if she has blonde hair like me, or brown like him. Well, no matter. Shes beautiful either way. Okay, sure I may be biased but I don't care. All of my children are beautiful. I do make beautiful babies.

I sigh as I start to get ready. I'm supposed to be meeting with Elizabeth for Lunch. We wanted to catch up with each other since it's been a while since we last seen each other. "Hey Scar." Colin says as he walks into the room. "Hi" I smile. "Are you sure you'll be okay with the kids while I'm gone." I ask. He just smiled and nodded, "yes, I'll be fine. Cosmo's an easy baby and Rose is a sweetheart. We'll be okay" he tells me reassuringly. I smile and nod. I've always been protective of my kids. But can you really blame me. No one outside of the family knows of Novah. Nobody but Romain. Rose knows of her big sister as well. I made sure of it, and of course Cosmo will to once he gets old enough to understand.

"Alright, well I'm heading to meet up with Lizzie now. So I'll be back in a few hours" I say as I give Colin a kiss. "Be good for Colin baby, okay?" I kiss Rose's and Cosmo's head. Then I'm out the door.

Once I got to the Café, I seen Lizzie sitting at a table in the corner away from everyone. "Hey Liz!" I say as I sit across from her. "Hey! There you are." She smiles. "Yeah sorry I'm a little late" I chuckle. "No it's alright. I haven't been here long. So, how have you been?" I look at her and smile "I've been good. Just busy with life. With the Outset, and family I've been kept busy. Among other things" she just nods understanding. "I know what you mean. I've been busy myself. Got a few projects myself going on" she smiles.

We've been catching up for a few hours now and we decided to go for a stroll through the mall. It was to starting to get to colder whether now considering fall has finally arrived. So the first thing we got was some hot chocolate. Nothing wrong with a good cup of that. "I was meaning to ask earlier, but how are Rose and Cosmo?" Lizzie ask unexpectedly. I just grin. "They are doing good. Cosmo's full of energy and learning new things day by day. And Rose is just her sassy, fun, lovable self. Why do you ask?" I chuckle. Lizzie laughs along with me. "Well I'm glad they are doing good. And no reason. I've just had kids on my mind lately, and not for that reason" she laughs. I look at her confused. "Then for what reason?" I ask curiously. She sighs. "I just.. I accidentally bumped into this girl the other day at the park. I don't know why but I just can't seem to get her out of my mind." I listen waiting for her to continue. "At first I thought she was like, 12 or something, But she's actually 15. She had straight brown hair, green eyes, and these cute little freckles. She also had this slight country accent, so I knew she wasn't from here." She chuckled. " she said her family was here in New York for the week. But she was by herself, and I know I can't judge or anything, but I know I wouldn't let my kid roam around a big city like this by themselves if I had one. Anything could happen."

Once she said that, my mind immediately went to Novah. I know I definitely wouldn't have let her be by herself. But Liz was right, we can't judge or try to critique someone's parenting style. "Did she know who you were?" I asked. She shook her head. "I don't know, I think she did considering her eyes kinda widened when she noticed me. But she didn't say anything that indicated that she did. But I think she was just being polite and felt like I didn't want to be bothered maybe. Which if that's the case, it's considerate of her." 

An hour later Lizzie and I went our separate ways. As soon as I walked in the door, I was met by my 8 year old daughter. "Mama, you're back!" She says as she hugs me. I laugh as I pick her up and kiss her cheek. "Yes, I am back. Were  you good for Colin baby?" She shakes her head enthusiastically as I chuckle. "Well that's good. Did you do anything fun?" And I just listen to her ramble on about her day with a smile.

Novah's POV

New York was great so far. But I'm still not a people person. I have mainly been in the hotel these past few days of being here. I mean there isn't much to do when you don't have that much money. My foster parents and Kaitlyn have been gone a lot to help out with funeral arrangements and such. So I've been left to my own devices... again. I've been on TikTok a lot, or YouTube watching funny videos. As I was watching TikTok's, an edit of Scarlett popped up. It must be from when she went live on her Outset page. I noticed she had two necklaces with her kids names on it. That's sweet, she must be a really good mom.

I wonder what that's like, to have a mom that loves you unconditionally. And who would do anything for you. I've never had that, for years I wished I did. But it never worked out for me. My mom  never tucked me in to bed, or kissed me goodnight. She never read me any bedtime stories, or played make believe with me like any other moms would with their kids. I watch how Sharon interacts with Kaitlyn and it seems like they are close. I can't help but envy it, when I should be happy that Kaitlyn has that. I never want others to feel and go through what I have been through.

As I get stuck in my thoughts, my eyes start to get a little droopy. Eh, a small little nap ain't gonna hurt nothing. And I slowly drift off to sleep.

3rd person POV

"Are you sure it's the woman that took her?" Officer Drake asks. "Positive, she matches the description." Detective Lacey says as they walk down the office halls. "I know it's been years, but we are now one step closer to finding the child, if she's still alive that is. Which I hope is the case. We can hopefully reunite mother and daughter"

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