Chapter 5

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Novah's POV

Today was the day of the Funeral. It seems like Brian's dad had a big impact on the family. They had left an hour ago, while they were getting ready I heard Brian break down crying in the other room. It's so sad, I wish there was more I could do, but I knew that there wasn't. Kaitlyn wasn't fairing any better, I could tell she was trying to be strong, but that's something a child shouldn't have to do. And Sharon wasn't far off. I knew that he was like a second father to her.

I didn't want to just sit in the hotel all depressed so I figured I would go back to the park. Get some fresh air, the weather was nice. Chilly, but nice. I put on some jeans, my black widow hoodie, and my combat boots. Right before I headed out the door I decided to take a book with me to read, so I quickly grabbed my Captain America comic I packed with me.

Once I got to the park, I just walked around a bit, watching the people walk around. When I looked over I noticed a small playground, there were a few kids playing around on the slide and swings while the parents watched them. I just decided to sit on a bench next to it and started reading my comic.

Scarlett's POV

Rose has been begging me to take her to the park for a while now, so that's what I plan on doing. After getting myself and the kids ready we headed to the park. I had my ball cap and sunglasses on, so hopefully no one will notice me. Once we got to the park, Rose went ahead and started playing while I strapped Cosmo in a baby carrier, so it would make it easier for me to carry him.

I loved watching Rose playing with other kids. It lets me know that even tho I'm famous and a lot of people would probably just try to use me for my money, that kids don't care all that much and they can accept her for her and not because she has a celebrity as a mother.

Novah's POV

I've been sitting here reading my comic for a bit when a ball hit my foot. "Sorry, I didn't mean to hit you." A little girl says as she comes to get it. "It's okay, it was just an accident." I smile as she smiles back then runs off to play with her friends. I look up to see a woman with a baby strapped onto her, watching the little girl play. It must be the girls mother. But wait a minute... that's not just any woman, that's Scarlett Johansson! Was that her daughter I just interacted with. Oh my gosh, I just interacted with The Scarlett Johansson's daughter. What's up with me running into celebrity's at this park?! Let alone my favorites. Oh man I just want to go up and talk to her, but I don't want to bother her. She is here with her kids after all, but I may never get this chance again. Ahhhh, I can't decide.

She's wearing a Cap and glasses, which probably means she doesn't want to be noticed. Ugh, why? I guess I'll just sit here and suffer, while my favorite person is across the playground from me. I sigh as I continue to read my comic.

Scarlett's POV

My legs were starting to get tired from all this standing. Holding Cosmo definitely isn't helping either. I look around for a place to sit but all of the benches were taken by other parents. I then notice Rose chasing after a ball which ends up hitting another little girl in the leg. I watch how they interact with one another, the girl seems sweet, oh and would you look at that. She's wearing a black widow hoodie and reading a marvel comic. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself quietly. The seat next to her is empty, so I might as well. "Hi sweetie. Is it okay if I sit next to you?" I ask as her head shoots up to look at me. I noticed her eyes widened a bit but she didn't say anything she just nodded and continued to read her comic.

We sat in silence for a bit, but I could tell she was fidgeting a bit, so I decided to break the ice. "So, you like black widow?" I smile at her. She looks up at me startled a bit but nods "ugh, y-yeah. She's my favorite marvel character." She says meekly. "You're my favorite actress too." She says quietly as she looks down fidgeting with her fingers. I chuckle a little, she's cute. I couldn't help but notice her eyes, they seem so familiar, but I couldn't place where. I noticed Cosmo had a special interest in her, which is new. He's not to forward with strangers. He reached his hand to her which caught her attention, and he gave her a small grin, which cause her to smile back. "He's cute." I smile at her in agreement. "He seems to like you. Not everyone catches his attention" I say to her.

"What's your name sweetheart?" I ask her sweetly. She looks back up at me and smiles a little. "My names Novah." Once she said that my eyes widened. Thankfully I had sunglasses on so she couldn't tell. "N-Novah? Your names Novah. Wow, that's such a pretty name." I reply quietly as I looked her face over and over again. No, no. This just happens to be another little girl named Novah. Besides she's like, 12 and my Novah is 15. It's definitely a different Novah. I noticed she was blushing a little which I thought was cute and she looked away. "Th-thank you." She now has my full attention.

My eyebrows furrowed as I realized that she's here alone. "Where are your parents?" I ask worriedly. She seems hesitant to answer, which if it's for safety reasons, then smart girl. "Umm, they had something to do today. So I just came here to get some fresh air." She explains. I nod as I give her a questioning gaze. "And do they know you are here?" She shrugs a little. "I mean, no. But, they don't really care what I do." Which makes me furrow my eyes more. What parents don't care what their child does. I'd be worried sick if my kids were on their own without me. Or anyone.

"How old are you sweetheart?" I finally ask her. She doesn't look at me as she's occupied playing with Cosmo who somehow got ahold of her hand. "I'm 15." My breath stops for a minute. No, no. She's 15 and her name is Novah. This can't be real. Can it be her? Could it really be her?! No, calm down Scarlett, this is all just a coincidence. A big coincidence. But her name and age is all I have. So yeah, it could just be some random little girl.

I can't help but look at her. She has green eyes like I do. Like my Novah did. She does resemble her father and myself a bit. No, don't give yourself hope. Not yet. God, what if this is her and she's sitting right beside me. I don't know what to do. I can't just be like, ' hey, I think you may be my lost kid. Come with me to get a DNA test done' now can I. Ugh, I just want to scream.

3rd person POV

"We have her in custody." Officer Derek says. "What now? Should we interrogate her now or wait?" He asks Detective Lacey. "No, we need to interrogate her now. The sooner we get more information, the sooner we can call Ms. Johansson and tell her the news and give her that information." She says.  "I'm headed there now. I'll call for backup if it's needed."

Once she got to the station, she walked into the interrogation room where the woman was waiting. "Hello, Ms. James." Lacey greets. "We've been looking for you a while. Do you know why?" The woman stays silent. "Okay, that's fine. We can stay here as long as it takes." She smiles as she relaxes in her seat.

(AN: I forgot to post yesterday... my bad)

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