Chapter 6

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Detective Lacey's POV

It's been a while since we had Paula James in custody. And it took a while, but we finally got some information out of her. She was definitely a stubborn one. What we found out was that she was given an order by a man named Cameron York. Apparently Scarlett's baby isn't the first one he had taken. Once he takes the baby's from their family's, he acts like he's part of some social group and try's to give 'orphan' baby's new homes. All just to make a bunch of money. He basically sells them. I've seen a lot of stuff like sex trafficking, but never anything like this. Now all we gotta do is find this York guy and figure out what he did to the baby. I had already called Scarlett and let her know of everything she needed to know.

Scarlett's POV

I had left this morning to take Rose to the airport so she could go to France to be with her father for a few weeks. Colin took Cosmo to go see his mom, while I decided to stay home. I have been up all night long thinking on the events that happened the other day. First I meet a girl that is the same age as my little girl, and has the same name as her. I realized she had a country accent, so it made me wonder if it was the same girl Lizzie ran into. I had gotten a call from Detective Lacey while I was still at the park, stating that they found the woman who took my baby, but it only leads to other clues. But hey, I'll take it. One step closer to finding my baby.

When I got off the phone with Lacey, I had turned around to go back to where Novah was, but she was gone. I was on the phone for a bit, so she must have left somewhere in the middle of it because she was nowhere to be seen. Which disappointed me, I was hoping I could have talked to her more.

When I got home, I told Colin about the call and soon called my mom to let her know. My mom was happy to hear what I had found out. But, who knows how long it will take to find that guy. But I'm not giving up hope. I know my little Novah is out there. Which puts my mind to that little girl in the park again. What... what if that was her? If so, she was literally right there, less than an arm length away. And I wouldn't have even known. Okay Scarlett, don't do that to yourself. Like I said before, it was probably just a coincidence. Ugh, I need a drink.

Novah's POV

I can't believe I had ran into Scarlett and Lizzie both while being here in New York. They were both so nice, I just wish it had lasted longer. We are supposed to be heading back to Kentucky on Friday. Which means back to school, which I dread. But I can't wait to go and tell Madisen all about who I ran into. She most likely won't care since she's not into marvel or anything like that. But I gotta tell someone.

A few days have passed now and we are back in Kentucky. Today is Monday, which means back to school. I met Madisen at her locker that morning before class and I told her everything that happened. "Wow, that's crazy. That's pretty cool that you got to meet them. Also sad that Brian's father passed." She said. I nod along to what she said. "Is he okay? Like... mentally and all?" I look down a little thinking over my answer. I mean, he's the same as before. Just more depressed. "Well, he has been drinking some, but he did that before anyway. I don't know, I'm hardly around him to really know." I reply.

Over the course of the day, I've been thinking on what Madisen said. He has always drank, but never enough to get drunk. Now it seems like he drinks a lot more now that I think about it. He's also been acting a bit off since the funeral. But it could be nothing and him grieving. It will be over soon, the drinking anyway... I hope.

After school, I went to the library as usual and stayed a few hours. By the time I got to the house, the sun was starting to set. "Where have you been?" I hear. I look up to see Brian standing at the archway connected to the kitchen looking at me. "The library..." I say cautiously. Something seems off. Where are Kaitlyn and Sharon? "Hmph, didn't think I gave you permission to do that." He says. I just look at him confused. When I suddenly get the smell of alcohol I realize that he must be drunk.

"I... didn't think you'd mind. I usually always go to the library." I said as he just glared at me. I did not like this one bit. I just want to go to my room and to get away from him. I know this feeling all to well, and it never ends good. "I'm sorry, I'll make sure to ask next time." I put my head down looking at the floor.

He walks up to me quickly and grabs my arm tightly making me look at him in fear. "Yeah, you better. Or things aren't gonna be pretty for you." He seethes and he pushes me hard towards my room where I nearly fall face first. I quickly get to my room and lock the door. Why? Why does this keep happening? My breathing was getting heavy but I realized before it got to bad. No, Novah. Not again, you haven't had a panic attack for a few years now. You were doing good, don't start now. I take slow breaths as I have my eyes closed. I've learned to calm myself down when I realize a panic attack is coming at a young age. Considering I didn't have anyone around or willing to help, I had to do a lot of things myself.

After I had finally calmed down, I got up and put my earbuds in. I pressed random on my playlist and of course, Matilda by Harry Styles comes on. Which just makes me want to cry more. That song couldn't describe me more. Why does the universe hate me?

Detective Lacey's POV

Finally, after weeks of looking for Cameron York we finally found him in a small town in Michigan. Now, we just need to talk to him. Get him to give us what we want, then he can spend the rest of his life in jail.

"Hello Mr. York. I'm Detective Lacey. Now let's just get straight to the point here. We are aware of your little 'side business'." I say as I use air quotes. "There are many baby's you have taken from many families. And as much as I would love to reunite every baby you've taken to their families, which I will try to once this is over. But I'm only here for one specific baby right now." I continue to glare at him. He just sits there looking at me with a dull look on his face. As if he's uninterested.

"Alright, I'm not gonna lie. I did do all that, no point in me lying now." He starts. "But, if it's one specific baby you're after. Then you're out of luck." I raise my eyebrow at him. "Look lady, like I said, I've taken a lot of babies which means I don't exactly remember who's was who's." He shrugs.

Well I'll just have to jog his memory. "Back in January of 2007. You had a woman of the name of Paula James take a little girl of a celebrity." I start. "Ring any bells yet?" He didn't seem like he wanted to answer. That's alright. We'll get it out of him sooner or later.

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