Chapter 1

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January 3rd, 2007 - Scarlett's POV

Hard to believe it's already another year gone by. A lot has happened in just a few short months. Find a guy I like, start dating, one thing leads to another, and I'm pregnant. It wasn't necessarily my intention to get pregnant, especially at just 22 years of age. But I couldn't be happier. I have a little girl or boy on the way. I decided to wait to find out the gender for when I give birth. The baby's father left as soon as I told him I was pregnant. But that's his loss, because in just a little under a month, this baby is going to come into the world and they are going to be so loved. I'm all they will need, and I will do anything for them.

A hard kick from my stomach breaks me from my thoughts. I rub my stomach as I let out a breathy giggle "I know, I know. You're ready to come on out into the world huh? Frankly, so am I." I say. Another sharp kick and I feel something moving quickly down my legs. My eyes widen as I realize what just happened. "No, no, no, no. When I said I was ready, I didn't mean now! You aren't supposed to be here for another couple of weeks!" I panic. I feel a sharp pain in my abdomen and I know that it won't be long till my little one enters the world. As quickly as I can I call my mom and let her know what's going on. After the baby's father had left, my family has always been there for me. So of course I want my mother to be there when my baby is born.

My mother quickly runs into the room, since I've been staying with her since I found out about being pregnant, and starts gathering everything she needs while helping me and then we are off to the hospital. She somehow had already let everyone else know what was going on, but I didn't really care. All I cared about was getting prepared for the baby. Once we got to the hospital, I was rushed into a room. Everything was going by so fast I didn't understand what was going on. I just kept having contractions, and let me tell you, they do not feel good. For what felt like hours it was finally time to start pushing. "That's it, you're doing so well honey." My mother told me as I pushed. I just wish this was over already!! I don't think I can go on much longer. "Just a few more pushes, you're almost there" the doctor tells me.

After what felt like hours, I finally felt some relief and my baby was finally born, but there was one problem... I don't hear crying. I look up at my mother worriedly as the nurses look over my child. "What's going on? Is my baby okay?" I panicked. All of a sudden I hear that beautiful sound of a baby's cry. I breathe a sigh of relief and a breathy laugh. "Congratulations, it's a girl!" The midwife says as she brings me my baby. As my little girl is placed into my arms, she seems to know that I'm her mama since she stopped crying almost instantly. I look down at her little face with tears of joy rolling down my face. "Hello sweetheart" I coo quietly. She is just so precious, and oh so small. She's my world. I lift my finger up to rub her puffy little cheek, when she grabs on to my finger. I just can't seem to keep the smile off of my face. I just know she's going to have me wrapped around her little fingers.

A few minutes went by, when the nurse came up to me. "Have you decided on a name?" She asked me. When I look down at my little one again, she opens her eyes and shows off her green eyes to me. She has my eyes, she couldn't be more beautiful. "Novah Blaire Johansson" I smile. And as if letting me know she liked the name, Novah gave me the smallest grin which made me coo at her.

An hour went by and my family had come and gone. I just couldn't take my eyes off of her. My little princess. Finally, it was time to go to bed. I laid her down in her small cubicle next to my bed. I watched as her breaths were evened out, and finally let myself drift off to sleep. When morning came around, I woke to rushed footsteps, and my mother shaking me awake. "Scarlett, you need to wake up." She sounds panicked. I thought as I opened my eyes. My eyes immediately land on the cubicle next to me, just to find it empty. That's when I fully woke up. "Where's Novah?" I ask my mother, as I look around the room. "Where's my baby?" My mother just looks at me for a moment. When the words I didn't think would ever leave her mouth. "Scarlett... someone took her."

(AN: I know it was kinda rushed but I just wanted to get that part over with. Also I don't know anything about giving birth so... there's that. Also I'll probably post once a week or more. Not quite sure yet. We'll see after this.)

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