Chapter 11

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Novah's POV

I was woken up by a hand gently shaking my shoulder. "Novah, sweetheart, it's time to wake up. We are about to land." I hear Scarlett say softly. I look up at her and she smiles at me. "Hi baby." I can't help but smile back while rubbing my eyes a little to get the sleep away. Then I realize I was leaning on her with her arm around me. I sit up instantly with embarrassment flushing my cheeks. "Sorry." I say quickly. She frowns a little while moving some hair out of my face. "It's okay, I didn't mind."

I look out the window and start to see New York as we were coming out of the clouds. I can't believe I'll be living here now. Let alone with my famous mother. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't know Scarlett was talking to me. "Novah, did you hear me?" I look at her like a deer caught in headlights. "Hmm, what? Sorry." She just giggles softly. "I said Colin will be picking us up. Is that okay?" I nod my head yes. "Yeah that's okay. I mean, I'll have to meet him eventually right?" I let out a soft laugh. "You'll love him. He can't wait to meet you." I smile at her. I can't say that I'm not nervous, cause I definitely am. What if he doesn't like me? What am I going to do then? Because I'm sure she's not gonna pick me over her husband. She's known him longer than me. They have a son together, so I mean. Why would she choose me?

I look up as I realize we have landed and everyone had started to gather their stuff. Scarlett looks over at me. "Baby, I'm not for sure if there will be paparazzi out there. So I want you to stay close to me okay? Hold my hand and keep your head down if there is okay?" She instructs me. "Okay. I will." She smiles as we gather our stuff and head off the plane. Luckily when we got to the main part of the airport to gather our luggage there wasn't any paparazzi and it didn't look like there was any outside either. Scarlett looked relieved with that. I can't imagine what she goes through with that, what any celebrity goes through. It must be very frustrating and nerve-racking.

Scarlett was holding on to my hand as we exited the airport and we walked a little piece before we came upon a car and a guy walking up to us. As he got closer I realized it was Colin, he and Scarlett smiled at each other and kissed in greeting, which made me cringe. Ugh, yeah their a cute couple. Doesn't mean I want to see that. I don't want to see anyone do that. I can't help but smile though. I'm glad Scarlett found someone to love. I see how they look at each other in photos and videos and there is no denying that they love each other. Especially in person. I look up as Colin starts speaking to me. "And you must be Novah? I've heard a lot about you." He smiled at me and extended his hand for me to shake. I smile back and shake his hand. "Yeah, that's me."

Something about Colin just makes me feel at ease. I feel the same way with him like I do with Scarlett. I feel safe. Which is definitely still a new feeling to me. He helps us put our stuff in the trunk and then we are off to my new home. "So Novah, Scarlett hasn't been annoying you yet has she?" He grins while Scarlett rolls her eyes playfully which cause me to smirk. "Oh yeah, non stop." He laughs while she gasps and pretends to be hurt by the statement with her hand over her chest. Which causes my smirk to grow. "Oh yeah, she's definitely your kid Scar."

The rest of the car ride was filled with Colin asking me questions and making a bunch of jokes. Usually that stuff would annoy when after a while but with him I didn't mind. He just made me more relaxed with him. I looked out the window as we pulled into a drive which led to a big house. Wow. Is this really where they live? It's so pretty. And big. But what else did I expect from a celebrity. As we got out of the car I got a good look at it. It was beautiful. As we walk inside I'm greeted by a big open space. Pictures were hung on the wall of family and friends. To the left of the opening was a big staircase leading up. To the right, there is an archway leading into the dining room which then leads into the kitchen. Going on down further through another archway you enter the living area. There was a big screen TV. A fireplace. A big couch and loveseat set. More pictures hanging on the walls and tables.

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