Chapter 15

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Novah's POV

I wake up the next morning feeling like absolute crap. My body was aching, I was shivering and I felt nauseous. I get up and head downstairs at  teen using the bathroom. Once I reach the kitchen, I only see Colin in there at the stove cooking breakfast. "Oh hey there kiddo! Didn't hear you come in." Colin says as he turns around. I try to speak but my voice is real hoarse and I start coughing. "Wow, that cough sounds a lot worse than it did yesterday." He walks over to me and puts his hand on my forehead. "And you're burning up too." He then walks over to the cabinet where all the medicine is stored and pulls out a thermometer and brings it over to me.

I was running a fever of 101.3. That's no fun. Immediately Colin starts acting like a mother hen and tells me to go lay down on the couch as he gets me some medicine. I do as I was told and wait for him. A few minutes went by when Colin showed up with medicine. "Here you go." He says softly. I take it but gag immediately after which causes him to chuckle softly. "Where's mom?" I ask weakly. "She had to run a few errands real quick, she said she was almost done earlier. But I let her know about you so she'll probably be back quicker than before." He shrugged.

Suddenly we heard the front door open, and then see Scarlett rushing over to me. "Hey baby! How you feeling?" She asks. I wanted to throw in a sarcastic comment but I decided against it. I wasn't in the mood. "I'm fine. Just weak. And tired. And cold."

Scarlett put her hand on my forehead. "Goodness, you are burning up!" Colin then leaves the room and comes back with a wet rag, which Scarlett takes and places it gently on my forehead which makes me look at her confused. "What are you doing?" She looks at me  but then turns her attention back to the rag making sure it's sitting on my head correctly. "I'm putting this rag on your head so it can help cool you off. Why? Haven't you ever done that before?" I shake my head no. I've never been the type to get sick a lot. Or too bad. It's actually been a few years since the last time I was sick. And that was just mainly a 24 hour stomach bug. Whatever is going on with me now makes me feel like I'm dying.

I hope Rose and Cosmo don't get what I have. "Wait, where are Rose and Cosmo?" I ask, just now realizing I haven't seen them. "I took them to Nana's when Colin called and told me you were running a fever. I don't want to take the chance of them getting sick too." Oh. That makes sense. "Did you eat baby?" I shake my head. "No, I didn't want anything." She hums. "Well you need to eat something babygirl. How about I make you some chicken noodle soup?" That actually does sound good so I agree. "Okay, here is the TV remote. And I'll be back with that soup." She boops my nose and kisses my cheek and leaves the room with Colin.


A few days have went by and comes to find out, I had the flu. Apparently its been going around real bad recently. Scarlett and Colin both were hovering around like crazy. Getting anything I needed or wanted. I mean, I wasn't necessarily complaining though. I mean, all my life that's what I wanted. To have someone to love me and take care of me. They've died down some now that I'm doing better.

Rose and Cosmo are home now and I was currently playing with Cosmo on the floor with his toys. Scarlett comes into the room and sits right next to me. "Hi!" She says to both me and Cosmo. Cosmo immediately crawls over to her giggling. She pulls him into her lap and gives him kisses all over his cute little face which causes more giggles to escape him. I sit up and watch them smiling. She turns to me with a smirk, which causes my grin to fall and I immediately try to get away but she was quick. She grabbed me and started kissing my face all over too. Which causes my face to scrunch up and go blood red. She giggles as she lets me go. "Really?" I ask pretending to be annoyed. She grins. "How are you feeling baby?" I shrug. "I'm fine. A lot better than I was." She nods. "That's good. I'm glad. I also wanted to talk to you about something." I raise an eyebrow out of curiosity. "What is it?" She looks at Cosmo as he was pulling her face towards him wanting her attention. "Well, I wanted to ask you about school. Do you want to go to public school, private school, or be homeschooled?" I groan and fall onto my back. If it was up to me, I wouldn't go to school at all. "I know, I know. Who likes school right? But you have to go to school. I think we've held it off long enough."

She was right of course, but that didn't mean I wanted too. I look up at her, "can I think about it?" She nods. "Yes you can think about it. But don't wait to long. I need to know by next week." I nod along. Okay, great. Seems like I'll be starting school again soon. Now I just gotta decide if I want to go to school in person or not.

(AN: sorry this is a short chapter. But I mainly just wanted to get something out there since I'm late on an update. Also sorry for the late update. For one, I'm a little behind and I didn't exactly know where to go with this chapter. And two, I've been sick with the flu and I'm just now doing better. It's been going around like crazy so I hope everyone else is doing okay. Or if you are sick I hope that you get well soon. Also, I'm gonna need you guys to pray or something because I can possibly get to go to New York tomorrow night through Saturday. And I'm really wanting to go. But it depends on my job. I've always wanted to travel and see parts of the world and I would be able to mark New York off the list if I could go. And my unrealistic expectation of possibly running into Scarlett while there is also in my brain. Wattpad has ruined me. Anyway, thanks! And I'll try to get the next chapter out on time."

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