Alternate Ending #1

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Dirty Bomb... (Ending #1)

I got up and saw the military coming into the barricade.


I then see another grenade and I pushed two androids out of the way. I look and saw more military coming in. We ran and took cover. Markus came and kicked a debris off an android and I tackled one of the military members saving an android and I got up and saw Markus blocking a few bullets to saving four androids. I pulled out one of the military pistols and shot a person in the leg and knocked him out. We then ran but got block by a bus... We're trapped. We then see the military closing in on us. I saw my parents trying to talk down the military.

Markus: Y/N...

I turn to Markus and he hands me a button and I knew what it was... A dirty bomb. I looked at it and I made the hard choice... I pressed it... A huge explosion went off and everyone looked and the human started to run away. My family stayed for a moment and they look at me before they ran.

3rd POV:

News Anchor 1: ...There has just been an explosion in Detroit. We still do not know what caused it but we will...

Joss: We have many unconfirmed reports, but we have no official news on exactly on what it is at this time...

News Anchor 3: ...An explosion in the south of Detroit. We still don't know if there are any victims, but these events may be linked to the android rebellion currently taking place in the city...

Warren was watching the news when her security came in.

Security: It was a dirty bomb, Madam President.

Warren: Oh my God...

News Anchor 2: ...And the Authorities have ordered the immediate evacuation of the city. If it really is a dirty bomb, then the radiation levels will be lethal for miles around...

Conner is leading thousands of androids into the city as they see the mushroom cloud in the air.

News Anchor 3: ...Detroit...... Detroit has just fallen into the hands of the android rebellion...

News Anchor 1: ...This is a disaster... an unprecedented disaster...

Warren: Today, deviant androids triggered a dirty bomb in Detroit. This bomb released fatal levels of radioactive toxic waste. To ensure the safety of the population, the military is evacuating all civilians within a 50 miles radius. The city may be uninhabitable for decades.

After triggering the bomb Y/N was walking around at the now destroyed barricade. He sees many of his people dead. A tear goes down his face and he then see the flag with the android's symbol. He walks towards it and he picks it up and he slams it into the ground.

Warren: This is the first time in our history that one of our cities has fallen into enemy hands... We are going to fight them with all our strength, and we won't rest until we have taken back control of Detroit and destroyed the last of them.

Y/N then looks at his skin and he deactivate his skin... but this time his entire face is android... He's no longer human... Chloe runs towards him and they kiss. They then turn towards to Markus, North, Josh, and Simon, and the rest of the androids.

Warren: Humanity is about face its most important battle: one that will lead to our victory, or our extinction.

Y/N: WE!

Warren: May God bless you all...

Y/N: ARE!!

Warren: And may God bless the United States of America...

Y/N: FREE!!!

They then see Conner leading the androids he converted from CyberLife.

Conner: We won.

North: It's over.

"It isn't over... This is just the beginning..."

New Life (Chloe x Male Reader) (Detroit Become Human)Where stories live. Discover now