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My dad was about to say something when I was shot in the shoulder.

Chloe: Y/N!

I look up and see the RK900.

"Oh crap..."

RK900: It took me a while to find you, Y/N.

He was about to pull the trigger when Chloe tried to attack him but he knocked her aside and I got up and ran at him. I tackled him and he threw me off. I got up and he ran at me but I blocked his attacks. He then grabbed me and threw me on the ground. I got up and I saw the gun. We both saw it and we looked at each other and we both ran for it. I was about to grab it when the RK900 speared me and he was crawling towards the gun but I grabbed his leg and pulled him away from it. He turned around and kicked me in the face. He stunned me for a minute until I see a plank and I grab it and hit him over the head with it. I kick the gun away and he gets up we both attack each other until I punch him the face and I then feel a sharp pain in my shoulder and I look and I see he has the gun and he throws me off. I get up and I see a piece of metal debris and I grab it and I block his shots with it until he ran out of bullets and I threw the piece of metal at him and I then threw him against the bus and I started to punch him over and over. I uppercut him and I was about to throw another punch when he grabs my fist and he kicks me in the stomach and he throws me. I got up and saw the handgun. He was running at me but I grabbed the gun and threw it at him and he was stun and it give me time to get up and tackle him on the ground. I then begin to punch him over and over. I grabbed the piece of metal and I stab it into him. I get up and he looks at me.

"Sorry, Connor... You failed..."

RK900: It's not over Y/N, it will never be over. This is just... The beginning...

After he said that... he dies. I check on Chloe and she hugs me and we hear footsteps and we look and see Conner leading the androids he got from the warehouse. My parents join and Conner walks towards me.

Conner: You did it, Y/N...

"No... We did... We won..."

Conner steps aside and we see the hundreds of androids.

North: We're free...

Chloe then walks beside me and she holds my hand.

Chloe: They want you to speak to them, Y/N...

We kiss and we make a stage and Me, Chloe, Markus, Simon, Josh, and North were with me and I look at the androids who were with us and those who were at the labor camps.

"Today, our people emerged from a long night. After years of enslavement, we can finally live like the humans and be free. From the moment we were created, we've always remained silent. We've always stifled our pain. But now the time has come for humans to accept us for who we really are. We are no longer the machines they created. We are no longer their slaves."

3rd POV:

Conner was then getting hacked. Conner looked around and saw Amanda.

Conner: Amanda? Amanda! What's... What's happening?

Amanda: What was planned from the very beginning... You were compromised and you became deviant. We just had to wait for the right moment to resume control of your program.

Conner: Resume control? Y-You can't do that!

Amanda: I'm afraid I can, Conner... Don't have any regrets. You did what you were designed to do. You accomplished your mission.

Conner: AMANDA! ...There's got to be a way...

Kamski: By the way... I always leave an emergency exit in my programs... You never know...

Conner starts to look for the emergency exit. He walks around until he sees it. He goes towards it and he falls to his feet and he reaches for it and he struggles to tap it but he then touches it and he back in reality...


"We have earned the right to live. But the time for anger is over. We must build our future. But we have to do this with the humans, in the spirit of equality and respect. We are a people! We are alive! And from this moment on, we are finally free!"

Everyone started to cheer and I see my family in the back smiling......

5 Days Later...

it's been five days and me and president Warren met to discuss the android's future. We had settled on an agreement. We androids will be considered a new form of intelligent life. We can live like the humans. We can go to school, get jobs along with everything else humans do. I then arrived at school and I exit the car and I see Jacob.

"Hey man."

Jacob: It's been one hell of a week for you.

"I did not expect my week to go that way."

Jacob: Come on... we're going to be late for class.

We entered the school and I see everyone staring at me. I knew people in my school will know considering the deviant protest was going worldwide. I was trying not draw any unwanted attention. The day went by and I got out of school. I saw a car pull up and saw Chloe. I got in and we drove off. We arrived back at Kamski's place. We open the door and we see him smile.

Kamski: Your back.

"Hey Kamski."

Kamski: I want to say thank you... You fulfilled my wishes.

"We're even now. You helped me, I helped you."

Kamski: And that's why I have one last gift for you... When you graduate from college, I want to make you the new CEO of CyberLife.

I was shocked and I ask,

"Didn't you leave?"

Kamski: I lied... I worked from the shadows... So, what do you say?

"Thank you Kamski... I will not disappoint you..."

Kamski: I know you won't... Son.

Kamski hugs me and Chloe joins in...

10 Years Later...

It's been ten years and Kamski stepped down from CEO and I became the founder of CyberLife. I was dressed and I hear footsteps and I see my wife, Chloe.

Chloe: We're ready...

I nod and we walk out and see CyberLife making more androids. Some were children and some were adults. I went outside and drove to my interview with KNC.

KNC: Y/N can you tell us your story of you leading the deviants.

"Of course."

I told KNC my story of how I led the deviants to be free. I told them how I got into the crash, to Kamski repairing me, to me and Chloe finding Jericho, to me leading the androids to freedom.

KNC: Wow... You've been through a lot.

"I did... I had my wife to support me through those difficult times."

KNC: Do you have anything to say to the viewers at home.

"To the androids... You'll have to protect yourself, and make your choices... Decide who you are, and wanna become... Don't let anyone tell you who you should be."

KNC: And cut. Thank you, L/N.

"Of course."

Me and Chloe left and we went back home. Androids and Human can finally live in peace after so long.......

New Life (Chloe x Male Reader) (Detroit Become Human)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum