Chapter 9 Freedom March

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After the raid on the Detroit stores, I was on top of the ship overlooking the city. I heard footsteps behind me and I look and I see Chloe with wearing a short white dress.

"New look?"

Chloe: Indeed. What are you doing up here alone?

"I needed to clear my head."

Chloe walked up to me and sat with me. She looked at me and asked,

Chloe: Why did you spare those two officers?

"I knew if I killed them... It would have led to more trouble."

Chloe: Thank you...

"For what?"

Chloe: For not killing me back at Kamski's place.

"I couldn't do it... That's not who I am."

I got up and Chloe did as well.

Chloe: I sense your doubts.

"These people... are relying on me to set them free. Each choice I make I have to make sure it's the right one... I fear that my people will not listen to us and they will kill us every chance they get."

Chloe: Y/N... Ever since we came here... You have been proving yourself over and over again. You have been giving our people hope for a better tomorrow.

She holds my hand and our hands turn white and eventually our hands started to turn blue and I see memories of Chloe's past. Her passing the Turing test, her interview with KNC, her helping Kamski create androids and her helping me get use to my new body. We broke apart and we look at each other.

Chloe: I saw your past... Your sister and Brother-in-law...

"I saw your past... Your interview with KNC... What was..."

We then look at each other and we both lean in...

Markus: Y/N... We need to have a meeting...

We jumped and I stuttered.

"I, er, we'll be right there..."

Me and Chloe went to the others and we agreed on doing a march to show the humans we are alive. Me, Chloe, North, Markus, Simon and Josh were in the mall.

North: This is suicide. We'll all be killed.

"If we do not take the risk, we won't be free."

Josh: We're finally gonna show them who we really are. This place will go down in history!

North: We'll be killed on the spot!

Chloe: You really have no faith, do you?

Markus: If they don't understand, we'll make them understand.

Me and Markus start to turn the androids around us deviant until we made it outside. Markus went around converting androids while I converted one of the workers.

"I need your help blocking the street."

The android got in the truck and he drove and blocked the street. Me and Markus went to the manhole cover and we opened it. We started to help the other deviants up. Eventually we all made it up and I looked and saw some people watching. I deactivated my skin so it can be half android half human. I looked towards a couple with a baby and I see an android and I use my android side to convert the android without touching it.

'Your free... Join us.'

I gestured for her to come over and she did. We then begin to march down the street. I saw more androids and I started to convert them while leading the march.

New Life (Chloe x Male Reader) (Detroit Become Human)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu