Chapter 7 CyberLife Stores

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We were watching the news and they were talking about what we did at the news station.

Simon: Our broadcast is all over the news. We got what we wanted. Now humans know...

North: It was a mistake to reach out to them. They'll never negotiate with their slaves. We should have shown them that we're prepared to fight.

Josh: Violence is never the answer. Dialogue is the only way; I'm sure humans will listen to us.

Chloe: I'm sorry but why do you hate humans so much?

North: I have my reasons.

Simon: They'll be watching us now. Whatever we do next, we need to think about public opinion.

North: Since our broadcast, more and more have been coming to Jericho. At least our message have give our people hope.

Chloe: At least all of us got away.

North: I do not know why we spared them. They kill our people every day. Do you think they agonize about it?

Chloe: It's still no reason to commit murder.

Josh: Exactly.

North: If killing is the price of freedom, I'll pay it gladly!

Chloe: If we kill, we will be setting a bad example for us and it will make things worst!

North: You and Josh are too fond of humans! Maybe their lives matter to you more than ours?

Josh: If you think murdering humans is going to make us free, then you're as bad they are!

Chloe: Know what?Let me see your system!

North: Why?

Chloe: I wanna see if you have a loose screw in there so I can fix it and it will maybe fix your stupid brain!

Simon: That's enough!

Simon got between them and me and Markus walked in.

"Uh what did we miss?"

Chloe: We had a little disagreement.

Markus: It a pretty loud disagreement.

North: And now... What are we gonna do?

"Next stage of the plan."

Markus: There are five CyberLife stores across Detroit. All selling us like merchandise.

"We going to those stores and we are going to set our people free."

Josh: Attack stores? We've never done that before... They're probably protected. They have security systems... Not to mention police.

Chloe: We broke into the Stratford Tower, right? We can easily break into the stores.

"Me, Chloe, Markus and North are going to together while the rest of you go to the others. We will go at 2 AM. We hack their security system and we save our people. We then get out before the police come."

Me, Markus, North, and Chloe came out from under the sewer and we made our way to the store. A police car drove by but we hid and we made it to the store. We then look inside the store.

North: That's what we are to them... just merchandise in a shop window. Soon they'll know what we really are. Let's get'em out.

Markus: We need to stick to the plan.

"Markus, you and North go and block the street. Me and Chloe will disable the cameras and alarm."

They nod and they went to block the street. I used my android part to hack the security camera.

New Life (Chloe x Male Reader) (Detroit Become Human)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon