Chapter 8 Learning The Truth

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3rd POV:

Hank was outside of Elijah Kamski house and he was on the phone. Conner got out and Hank hung up the phone.

Conner: Is Everything okay, lieutenant?

Hank: Chris was on patrol last night. He was attacked by a bunch of deviants... He said he was saved by Y/N himself...

Conner: Is Chris, okay?

Hank: Yeah, he's in shock, but... he's alive... what the hell...

That's when another car pulled up and out came Y/N's family.

Hank: You finally came. Didn't think you would show.

D/N: Kamski knows something about Y/N we wanna know what.

They all started to walk to Kamski's door.

Conner: I have a bad feeling, lieutenant?

M/N: Don't care. We ain't leaving till we get answers.

They arrived and Hank rang the doorbell. He was about to ring it again when a Chloe open the door.

Hank: Hi... Uh... I'm, er, lieutenant Anderson, Detroit Police Department. I'm here to see Mr. Elijah Kamski.

Chloe smiled and she step aside.

Chloe: Please come in.

They went in and Chloe shut the door.

Chloe: I'll let Elijah know you're here. But please, make yourself comfortable.

Hank, S/N, B/N, D/N, and M/N sat down while Conner looked around.

Hank: Nice girl...

B/N: No kidding.

Conner: You're right... she's really pretty...

Hank: Nice place... Guess androids haven't been a bad thing for everybody...

D/N: This must have cost a fortune.

Hank: So, your about to meet your maker, Conner. How does it feel?

Conner: Kamski is one of the great geniuses of the 21st century. It'll be interesting to meet him in person.

Hank: Sometimes I wish I could meet my creator face to face... I'd have a couple things I'd wanna tell him...

Eventually Chloe opens the door

Chloe: Elijah will see you now.

They all got up and went in. They saw Elijah swimming in the pool.

Hank: Mister Kamski?

Elijah: Just a moment, please.

Kamski got out of the pool and Chloe give him a towel and he looked towards the six.

Hank: I'm lieutenant Anderson. This is conner, D/N, M/N, S/N and B/N L/N.

Elijah: Ah, L/N's. I'm glad to see you all are unharmed.

D/N: We heard have information about our son Y/N.

Hank: That and me and Conner are investigating deviants. I know you left CyberLife years ago but, I was hoping you'd tell us something we don't know.

Elijah: Deviants... Fascinating, aren't they? Perfect beings with infinite intelligence, and now they have free will... Machines are so superior to us, confrontation was inevitable... Humanity's greatest achievement threatens to be its downfall. Isn't it ironic?

Conner: Deviancy seems to spread like some kind of virus. We thought you might know something about that.

Elijah: All ideas are viruses that spread like epidemics... Is the desire to be free a contagious disease?

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