Chapter 13 Press Conference

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3rd POV:

The President of United States was having a press conference to address the android problem.

Warren: At 6AM this morning, a national curfew was declared. Civilian movement will be strictly controlled, the right to attend is suspended. All electronic communication are restricted, and I have granted enhanced powers to our security agencies. In addition to these measures all androids must be handed over to the authorities immediately. Temporary camps are being set up in all major cities to contain and destroy them. I am now asking all civilians to co-operate with the authorities and rest assured that everything in our power is being done to guarantee the security of our nation.

Journalist 1: Madam President! Some say these camps awake painful memories from human history. How do you respond to that?

Warren: That's absurd. There's absolutely no connection. Androids are not living beings. All we are doing is destroying defective machines.

Journalist 2: Is it true that androids make up 60% of the armed forces? Is our army still able to ensure our homeland security?

Warren: We neutralized all military androids the second their reliability came into doubt, we called the National Guard for reinforcements. Our armed forces are fully operational and are able to ensure our homeland security.

Journalist 3: What can you tell us about the assault that happened last night?

Warren: The FBI raided an abandoned freighter in Detroit at 10:45 PM yesterday. Several thousands of androids were destroyed or captured. Our forces are now combing the streets to ensure that none got through the net. We are going to find them one by one and destroy them.

Journalist 4: Madam President, public opinion seems to have become increasingly favorable to the deviants, particularly since they've adopted a peaceful approach. How do you feel about this?

Warren: Public opinion is one thing; the security of the state is another. These deviants are dangerous and my highest priority is to protect the American people.

Journalist 5: Is it true that the androids could hack our IT systems, like nuclear power plants and military bases?

Warren: All androids working on sensitive sites have been neutralized and all IT systems have been suspended to avoid any risk of hacking. The situation is under control.

Journalist 6: Has the leader of the deviants been apprehended?

Warren: The humanoid that is known as Y/N L/N has not been located yet, but we will track him down and neutralize him.

Journalist 7: A convoy of medical cobalt is reported missing. Army weapon stores are also said to have been robbed. Can you confirm these reports?

Warren: I have no information on that at this time.

Journalist 8: What gonna happen to CyberLife? Will androids be banned definitively?

Warren: We're working very close with CyberLife to neutralize all deviants. I won't make any comments about anything else until we have dealt with the android question.

Journalist 9: Many believe that androids are a new form of intelligent life. Do you have any comment?

Warren: That's ridiculous...... Next question please?

Journalist 10: Is it true that a large number of deviants are still on the loose?

Warren: We don't have the full report at this time, but if so, I can assure you they will be apprehended and destroyed. Thank you. That will be all.

Warren left while the journalist tried to ask more questions... 

1 Hour Later...

Warren was in the white house and was on her tablet when a security guard came in.

Security: Something's happening in Detroit, Madam President... 

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