Chapter 6 Stratford Investigation

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B/N = Brother Name

S/N = Sister Name

3rd POV:

Hank and Conner were in Stratford tower going up in an elevator. Conner was playing with his coin until Hank took it away.

Hank: You're starting to piss me off with that coin, Conner.

Conner: Sorry, Lieutenant.

They arrived at the seventy ninth floor and they both exited the elevator.

Police 1: Hi Hank.

Hank: Shit, what's going on here? There's a party and nobody told me about it?

Police 1: Yeah, it's all over the news, so everybody's butting their nose in... Even the FBI want a piece of the action...

Hank: Ah Christ, now we got the Feds on our back... I knew this was gonna be a shitty day... So, what do we got?

Police 1: A group of five androids and possibly a human. They knew the building, and they were well organized. I'm still trying to figure out how they got this far without being noticed.

FBI 1: You check the roof?

FBI 2: Not yet. There's so much to look at.

FBI 1: Have to make sure we check it out.

Police 1: They attacked two guards in the hallway. They probably thought the androids were coming to do Maintenace. They got taken down before they could react. One of the station employees tried to get away but was also knocked out. He's in shock, not sure when we'll be able to talk to him.

Hank and Conner started to look around and Hank ask,

Hank: How many people were working here?

Police 1: Just two employees and three androids. The deviants took the humans hostage and broadcast their message live. They made their getaway from the roof.

Hank: The roof?

Police 1: Yeah, they jumped with parachutes... We're still trying to figure out where they landed, but the weather is not helping. If you want to take a look at the video broadcast by Y/N, it's on that screen over there.

They walk into the broadcast room and see Y/N's half android and half human face. They then see a person wearing a grey trench coat and a black suit with a tie. He has a lanyard around his neck with his ID card.

Police 1: Oh Lieutenant, this is special Agent Perkins from the FBI. Lieutenant Anderson is in charge of investigating for Detroit Police.

Perkins looks over and sees Conner.

Perkins: What's that?

Conner: My name is Conner. I'm the android sent by CyberLife.

Perkins: Androids investigating androids, huh? You sure you want an android hanging around? After everything that happened?

Hank and Perkins give each other a death glare and Perkins continues,

Perkins: ...Whatever. The FBI will take over the investigation, you'll soon be off the case.

Hank: Pleasure meeting you. Have a nice day.

Perkins: And you watch your step. Don't fuck up my crime scene.

Hank: What a fuckin' prick!

Conner went to play the broadcast message.

Y/N: We finally ask that you respect our hopes and our rights. Together we all can live in peace, and we can build a better future for humans and androids. Now you know who we are and what we want. We are alive and now the time has come to give us our freedom...

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