Chapter 1 The Accident

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Detroit... The place where androids were born. CyberLife was founded by Elijah Kamski and sold throughout the United States with the slogan "Designed by CyberLife, built in Detroit". Ever since then people have been getting androids for many reasons. Wherever you go you will see an android. Some humans treat androids good but some people don't...

Dad: Y/N get up it's time for school!

I got up and I was slowly waking up and I got dressed for school and my mom made me breakfast. My two other siblings were on the computers trying to find a job. After I finished my breakfast, I got my backpack and went into our car and I went to school. I arrived at school and saw many people with androids. My family was too poor to get one but I really did not care.

???: Hey Y/N!

I turned and saw my best friend, James. He ran up to me and I saw his android Lucas.

"Hey Lucas."

Lucas: Hello Y/N.

James: How was your weekend.

"Boring. Yours?"

James: It was good. Did you hear what happened last night?

"You mean that deviant who took that little girl hostage?"

James: Yeah...

The bell then ringed and me and James went to our class. Me and James were walking through the hall and I ran into my bully Austin.

Austin: Hey! Watch it- Oh it's you.

"I don't want no trouble."

Austin: Too late.

He grabbed me and shoved me into a locker and I was trying to break out of it. I then saw James trying to help me but Austin pushed him to the ground. before he could do anything, a teacher yelled and Austin dropped me and the teacher dragged him to the office. Me and James went to class. After we finished all our classes my family picked me up. I went in and we all started to talk. We were laughing until... We see a car and it crashes into us. I go flying out the window along with an android. The car begins to flip over and it lands upside down. A few pieces of the android were lodged into me and I was trying my hardest to stay awake but I then see a silhouette of a person and I blackout...

??? Hours Later...

I woke up and I felt weird.

???: Your awake. Can you hear me?

"What? Yes. What happened?"

???: You were in a car crash. I found you and took you here to get you fixed.

"Fixed? What-what are you talking about?"

I tried to move my body but I couldn't. I moved my eyes and saw my entire body gone. I was shocked and I started to scream.


???: Your entire body was damaged. You would have died if I did not save you.


???: The android next to you had biocomponents lodges into you. It's the reason your still alive.


???: Calm down... I'm giving you a second chance at life.

That's when multiple body parts of androids came and started to attach me.


???: Trust me...


???: Think of your family.

I started to think of my family worried and sad faces of them seeing me dead... I calmed myself and the android parts started to attach to me. After a few minutes I had half of an android body.

???: Initialization and memorization checked. Now, can you move your arms?

I moved my arms and it felt weird.

???: Upper limb connection checked... Try to walk around.

I tried to walk but it was somewhat difficult. I approach a mirror and I see my face half of it was skin the other was android. I touch my face with my android hand.

???: Movement checked... Try to say something in German.

"I don't even know how to speak- Mein Name ist Y/N L/N. Ich lebe und atme... How do I know that!?"

???: I had to replace part of your brain with biocomponents... You're ready. Go through the door and we can meet in person.

"Thank you... for saving me."

I walked towards the door and I open it and I see Elijah Kamski.

Elijah: Hello Y/N. 

New Life (Chloe x Male Reader) (Detroit Become Human)Where stories live. Discover now