13 | Love

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"I set out of the shower and dry myself off i change into my school uniform and brush my teeth i look at the mirror and wipe the fog off from the shower i sigh and spit the toothpaste in the sink i wash the sink out and walk downstairs. I give my mom a hug goodbye and head to school i enter and walk straight to class i enter the classroom that has no teachers only a couple of students? I see a new sitting plan not only that but i see that liv is in the classroom our classroom is full of boys so she would be like the 4th girl to be in this classroom. I sit down as she has a sit Infront of me two boys come up to her and start to talk to her but not just a normal chat they probably are trying to get her to sleep with them since there isn't much pretty girls in this class or the whole school i can hear she is not happy to see them maybe she knows them? Should i step in? I think to myself till i decide to get up."

Y/n: Leave her alone guys.

Mark: What are you going to do about it.

Luke: Yeah, you want us to knock you out

"One gets into a fighting stance i look them up and down giving them a death stare since I'm actually not in the mood."

Y/n: Yes actually come on knock me out.

Luke: You bet

"He smirks and swings at me punching me in the face i punch him back knocking him into a desk making him fall down the other one goes to kick me but i block his foot before it could hit my stomach i grab his leg and trip him over and kick him in the rib making him groan. The other one gets up"

Luke: That is my girlfriend you know that right?

"Me and Liv make eye contact i look back at him and back at her"

Liv: You ditched me.

Luke: I was stupid I'm sorry.

Y/n: Oh Shut up.

"I kick him back into the desk he gets up again and pulls a pocketknife out i have no reaction."

Liv: A-Alright enough. I will go with you...

"She gets up from her sit to walk with him he smirks and looks her up and down she slowly walks over to him but i grab her by the waist and pull her away"

Y/n: He won't stab me.

Liv: Wha-

"Luke swings at me with the knife but i uppercut him knocking him back he drops the pocketknife i quickly pick it up and point it at him he has fears in his eyes as i point the knife at him and his other friend run out of the classroom."

Liv: T-Thanks.

"I nod and sit back down"

*After school*

"I walk out of the school and see the police they walk up to me and i see Noah and Adam talking with them i walk down the stairs and walk over to them Noah and Adam look at me the cops look me up and down"

Y/n: What is going on here?

Adam: They still have no sign of Nancy.

Officer: We don't think she is even in this town.

Noah: They have checked the whole town head to toe no sign.

Officer: Small town we would have found a clue by now.

Y/n: Did you check the woods?

Officer: No.

"I nod. The killer likes the dark and where there isn't a lot of people around it is also a great place to hide a body... If you want to find a killer, you need to think like one..."

Adam: Lets go guys.

"We walk away"

Noah: I hope she is okay this isn't like her... and it is all your fault.

Y/n: Shut up i didn't do anything. You guys decided to come with me... not my fault.

Noah: Aren't we missing another guy?

Adam: Yeah we are.

Noah: K-Kayden?

Adam: Yeah, that is his name. I haven't seen him in awhile.

Y/n: He is dead. He was attacked.

Adam: R-Really?

Noah: Holy shit none of us are safe...

Y/n: Whatever i never asked you two to join me... if you die don't haunt me.

Liv: What you three talking about?

"I hear from behind me i look over my shoulder and see a short girl"

Y/n: Uhm Nothing.

Noah: A killer.

"Adam nods"

Liv: K-Killer?

Y/n: Yeah, uhm i guess you can say we our sort of involved...

Liv: T-That is scary.

Noah: Yeah, and my girlfriend is missing...

Liv: I didn't hear about any killer...

Y/n: That is because almost nobody has seen the killer.

Liv: Even more spooky.

Y/n: Yeah, we our trying solve it

Liv: But you guys are only teenagers.

Y/n: Yeah, i know.

Noah: I have already been stabbed.

"He shows the stab wound on his hand."

Adam: I've been stalked already.

Y/n: And I've been attacked and targeted already.

Adam: So, we have like almost no choice but to try and find this killer.

"Noah nods"

Liv: I-I-

Y/n: No, you can't join.

Liv: Wait how did you know... I was going to ask?

Y/n: Because I've already been through this.

Liv: R-Really?

"I nod"

Liv: My father he is a cop i can help

"If her father is a cop he has files and things i don't have maybe the cops know something i don't? It also gives me more time to learn more about her and the people around here perfect."

Y/n: Fine but don't die.

Liv: Okay I promise i won't die.

Adam: Oh Shoot i got to be at the gym see ya.

"Adam walks away"

Noah: So, what is the plan on how we find my girlfriend?

Liv: My dad has files how about i take you guys to my house we can check them out?

Noah: Good idea.

Y/n: No time to waste come on.

"I say already walking away they catch up and follow me we get to the house and enter we go to the attic that has a bunch of boxes with files we start to open the boxes looking through the flies"

Noah: I think i found it.

"he says holding a file out and setting down and opening it we all start to read the file and it is Nancys missing file"

Noah: This has no new information.

Y/n: Well then that was pointless.

Liv: Relax I'm sure we can find something else...

Y/n: I did find a warehouse in the wood's kind of in the middle of nowhere but i left because- i almost died something fell from the celling almost like it was thrown at me.

Noah: Holy let's go back then.

Liv: Y-Yeah come on

"I nod. We get out of the attic and exit the house we call a uber that drops us off halfway to the warehouse we walk, and we get to it we enter the warehouse, and everything is empty the chair that was there is gone."

Y/n: The chair that was there is gone...

Liv: That means somebody was here...

Y/n: This is bad.

Noah: I have a bad feeling i think we should get out of here.

Y/n: Good idea.

"We run out of the warehouse once we our outside we catch our breath"

Y/n: Call another Uber?

"Noah and Liv nod. We call a uber and all get home safely for now."

September Killer | Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now