15 | Trap

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(Dont get ideas on this chapter and don't try this at home HAHAHAHAH THAT IS WHAT YOUTUBERS SAY BUT SERIOUSLY DONT TRY THIS)

"I leave the school and sigh what a long day I hear footsteps behind me only this time i don't go to punch them or hit them i wait to see who it is it is Noah and Adam they both look at me."

Noah: I-I-I think i know where Nancy is.

Adam: We need your help.

Y/n: Where is she?

Noah: Last time we went to the warehouse it was empty i set up a Camare before we left and it shows there is a chair and what appears to be a female in the chair... I think this could be where she is...

Adam: But we need all the help we can get because it is dangerous...

Y/n: Alright who else will help?

Liv: Me.

Y/n: W-What?

Liv: What?

"She takes her bag off and opens it showing a taser pocketknife med-kit rope"

Adam: Why the heck do you have all that?

Liv: My father is a cop he makes me carry these things with me in case you know?

Noah: Good we will bring her.

"He takes out flashlights and gives one to all of us"

Y/n: Why flashlights it isn't dark yet?

Noah: don't know how long we will be there.

Liv: Let's get going before it does get dark.

Adam: Yeah, no time to waste come on

"Noah starts to drive"

Noah: Thanks for helping y/n.

Y/n: Uhm No problem.

Adam: Do we got a plan?

Liv: Uhm-

Noah: No we just go straight in get Nancy back and get out of there.

"We all nod"

*At the warehouse*

"By time we get to the warehouse the sun was almost down we all get out of the car and turn out flashlights. We approach The building the door seems to be locked. We hear footsteps from behind we all turn around and see a officer he points his flashlight at us."

Officer: Why the hell are teenagers out here?

Noah: This door is locked.

Officer: Yeah it is under repair.

Noah: Repair?

Officer: Well-

Adam: Give us the fucking key.

"The officer puts his hand on his taser as Adam moves closer seems to be aggressive?"

Officer: Stay where you are... Why do you need to enter.

Adam: We been here before there is something inside we need.

Officer: F-Fine but i will be watching your every move.

"The man walks closer to the door and unlocks it and opens the door we all rush into it and it isn't the same empty old warehouse it is a maze? We look at the walls with clear doors that keep going up and down each 10 seconds we all look around and the dark lights turn into red lights even the officer seemed scared as he entered pointing his flashlight around. The door behind us slammed shut and we were unable to open it this freaked us out"

Noah: Holy Shit-

Adam: A-Alright calm down this is just some sick Joke....

Y/n: Say that when you are about to die.

Adam: Shut up...

Y/n: Come on let's start looking...

Liv: Not to side with those two but this is really scary y/n.

Noah: Says the one with all the gear.

Y/n: Alright we will all split up into two.

Officer: What about me?

Adam: Go die somewhere.

Noah: Stay here and watch.

Liv: Come with one of us.

Y/n: Call for backup and hide somewhere be on guard.

Officer: Do i get a choice?

Y/n: Yes.

Officer: I choose to go with one of you.

Y/n: Pick one.

Officer: Since you aren't the one who told me to die i will go with you and the lady.

"We all nod and walk away from each other. Noah and Adam Go together and Me and the officer with Liv goes the other way we look as the door goes up and down"

Liv: W-What if we get crushed

Y/n: W-We shouldn't

Officer: Ladys go first...

Y/n: Actually, i should go first.

"The door goes up and i walk across into the next boxed room. The doors block us into a small, boxed rooms the doors go up and down and you can easily get crushed the celling is at least 6,0 feet"

Y/n: Come hurry liv.

"She rushs across into the next boxed room and the officer follows behind just making it in time. The next boxed door opens and we enter the lights start to flash"

Officer: Where do we actually even go?

Y/n: We just keep looking in till we find Nancy.

Officer: W-Who is this Nancy girl?

Y/n: She is a friend, but she went missing. We have reasons to believe she is somewhere inside this nightmare...

Liv: Hopefully we make it out alive...

"We keep entering the boxed rooms as the doors go up and down, we hear whimpering we all turn are backs to each other and look around into the clear doors that aren't glass so they can't be broken they are probably bulletproof... we keep looking as the whimpers get louder the officer points"

Officer: Right there!

"We see a person on the ground slowly crawling the door goes up and we enter the doors go down the doors go up and we enter making it to the person on the floor we thought it would be Nancy but it was a male that was at least somewhere around our age he looked like he was in bad shape the officer asked his name and he said his name was Dan"


"We look at his broken arm and bruised hand his face is bloody and we can see he was stabbed a couple of times his clothes are dirty and ripped we help him up as he leans against the door"

Officer: Is there any other?

Dan: M-My brother...

Noah and Adam Pov:

Noah: I don't want to get crushed man...

Adam: Shut up and keep following me.

Noah: You think the others are okay?

Adam: I haven't heard any bloody screams yet so i hope they are okay...

Noah: I hope Nancy is okay

Adam: Don't get your hopes up this place looks deadly.

Noah: Sometimes i wonder why I'm still here.

Adam: Okay I'm okay with comforting you but don't be a baby that is definitely how people go out in horror movies.

Noah: S-Sorry

"We enter the next room which has blood on the walls and floor hand prints"

Adam: What the fuck!


"he says pointing to something on the ground that looks bloody and is smelly it is a hand we both back away from it in fear"


Noah: I wish i never came here...

Adam: I have no reason to be here, but you need to man up your girlfriend is here you idiot!

"I smack his head"


"I shake my head as we follow the bloody trail we hear something and turn around in the corner of the room is a male full of blood we rush over to him he is still breathing we start to shake him and the bloody man snaps out of it and looks at us with fear"



Luke: H-Help me


"We look at him he is missing a hand"

Adam: Holy shit he is missing the hand!

Noah: No way...

Adam: We found your hand dude...


Adam: Oh right-

"Adam takes his belt off and wraps it around his hand stopping it from losing blood they help him up and carry him a little moving into the next room"

Noah: Who did this to you?

Luke: I didn't see there face...

Noah: Great...

Adam: We should probably find the others... If we our lucky they maybe found Nancy... Hopefully.

"Noah nods"

Y/n pov:

"We sit against the walls and catch our breath"

Dan: D-Do you think my brother is okay?

Y/n: We can't promise you but we will do our best.

Officer: I called for backup but nobody has answered yet...

Y/n: Perfect... This is going be the end of us all

Liv: It is alright don't think that way

Y/n: We have no time to rest we need find Nancy.

Liv: How though? This place is huge and feels endless...

Officer: If we had a dog we could find her by now but no.

Y/n: Does anybody have a good nose?

"They all shake there head"

Y/n: Okay Then. We need get up and keep looking.

Liv: Yeah y/n is right...

Officer: Yeah come on.

"We help dan back on his feet and enter the next room the doors seem to be getting faster and the doors seem to be slamming not just shutting as we hear the doors slam down it shakes the floor we could go crazy... We see a light start to flash we follow the flashing lights and find Nancy in a chair we rush over to her and untie her she is asleep"


"We shake her chair trying to wake her up she slowly opens her eyes and groans we all sigh we help her up but she doesn't seem to remember much or know where she is we explain a little which wakes her up fully she was now able to walk on her own as we walk through the maze trying our best not to get crushed"

Nancy: you guys really came for me...?

Y/n: Yeah it was Noah's idea though.

Nancy: W-Where is Noah?

Y/n: Alive i hope? He is with Adam

"She sighs"

Noah and Adam pov:

Noah: Hey I got a question. About Y/n.

Adam: Uhm Go ahead?

Noah: What was he like back then?

Adam: Oh he was a loser skinny and short pretty weak and got add in a crybaby but he was smart i bullied him. I regret it i didn't know why i did it i just did i don't think he has fully forgiven me but we our best friends now i hope otherwise he is a good guy he has changed a lot.

Noah: You guys fight a lot.

Adam: That is our friendship we fight a lot but deep down we care. I have no clue why i bullied him but one reason is because i didn't want to look weak i did want to be his friend but i didn't want to look weak and i knew he was weak and then a part of me says i wanted him to become stronger and ready for this world so i was trying to bully him into a strong man. I have no idea but i think that is why i guess i was stupid back then still kind of stupid now.

Noah: Interesting. I think Y/n cares deep down he just wants to be strong i don't understand him but I'm trying to.

Adam: Yeah hopefully once this over and one day we can see a soft spot in him.

Luke: Not to ruin your heartfelt conversation but hello? YOU ARE LEAVING ME BEHIND

Adam: Oh shit sorry dude.

"We help luke"

Luke: Thank you.

"We nod"

Y/n pov:

Y/n: I don't see Them anywhere and there is no sign of your brother...

Dan: H-He has to be here somewhere!

Y/n: Maybe they found him?

Liv: That is the best hope right now.

"We all nod"

Officer: I'm starting to think this is a trap...

Y/n: Starting?


Y/n: I mean i don't want to say it but we might not make it out of this.

Liv: W-What...

Y/n: I know... But I'm just saying what i think

Liv: Percent?

Y/n: 98% At least.

Officer: I knew teenagers typically are Drama but this isn't just drama!

Dan: I'm siding with you. I've been here for at least a couple of days...

Y/n: If the doors aren't opening and this is a huge fucked up maze and there is a killer somewhere and backup isn't working plus or phones that just makes it 100% why we arent making it out of this nightmare...

Liv: I think i might throw up at the thought.

Y/n: We just have to keep our hopes up. Now lets try and find the others. Our second-best hope is to find them and hope they are alive.

Liv: Is this what happened last time dealed with this?

Y/n: No this game is fucked up but the last time... I saw my dad die and i was nearly killed it all went down in my house with a guy in a mask and dagger my dad messed up and we almost lost our life's not the killer wants my bloodline killed.

Officer: Holy Shit so this isn't the first time something like this happened?

Y/n: Definitely not but if i beat him once i can beat him again this time im not just going to shoot his legs I'm going shoot his brains out.

Liv: D-Did you hear that?

Nancy: Yeah what the fuck was that?

"The doors start slamming up and down at speeds we can cross or we would get smashed into the ground and crushed painfully we panic as we watch and hear the doors slam up and down as the floor shakes we lose faith in getting out of here but that is what he wants."

Y/n: Everyone calm down he wants us to lose faith in getting out he wants us to run and hide he wants us to be scared...


Liv: I want to go home...

Nancy: Please Y/n i don't want to be here anymore.


"Dan punches me in the face knocking me back a little"

Y/n: C-Calm Down!

"I dodge his next punch as he keeps coming at me it is easy for me to dodge his weak slow punches."

Y/n: Dan Calm down! Your brother is alright-

"The doors slow down the lights become darker, and the room becomes a little fogy. We look around the room and cross into the next boxed room Dan calmed down and we all are still scared. Liv looks tired as heck"

Y/n: Hey Liv want me to carry your bag? You Uhm look like you could fall over anytime..

"She nods and gives me her bag. We cross to the next room the doors slow down and close each 15 seconds now we are able to make it across easier now after a couple minutes of searching we hear something which sounds like metal against metal. Kind of freaky we hear bloody screams as well"

Noah and Adam pov:

Luke: S-So where is the killer...

"Luke says looking around scared"

Noah: Y-Yeah you would think he would show himself by now right?

Adam: Yeah, isn't it kind of strange?

Noah: Yeah i do.

Adam: W-What is that?

Noah: It looks like a bag?

Adam: Stay right here and hold Luke he could fall over any minute.

"I walk a little closer and grab a black bag and open it. Inside is a axe with blood on it i sigh"

Noah: W-What is it?

Adam: A fucking axe?

Noah: Perfect! We can use it for protection.

Adam: Why is out here?

Noah: Uhm-

Adam: A-Almost like it was set up?

Luke: I think i remember a axe...

Adam: R-Really? Is this the killers weapon? But didn't Y/n say he used a dagger?

Noah: H-Holy shit is this a-

Noah Set up

Adam Set up?

Noah: Yeah... Do you think it is?

Adam: No-No-No... I know it is...

"Adam says with a little bit of a shaky voice"

Noah: Huh?

Adam: This is a setup...

"Adam says with realization"

Luke: Y-You Okay?

"He walks closer. The Next thing you know Luke gets hit with the axe and Adam stands there with a smirk"


Adam: Lu-Luke has to die.

Noah: F-For?

"Adam looks at Lukes headless body bleeding out on the ground as the blood gets all over Noah backs up in fear"

Adam: Because I'm a killer.


"He Runs but Adam chases him Adam is a little slower because of the axe but he manages to keep up behind Adam as he chases him the reach a boxed door with the doors closed"


Adam: Wish i could

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