4 | Nora

84 4 11

What a wholesome chapter :)

"I walk down the street and look both ways before i cross the street as i cross the street i notice a woman that looks pretty old She comes up to me with a note i grab it and look at it"


Shopping list:

1 Milk

2 Cheese and eggs

3 Bread

4 apples

5 taco meat

6 noodles

7 salad


Old Lady: My Name is Nora young man may you help me find what I'm looking for?

Y/n: Yeah, sure i was heading to the store anyways. Oh and my name is Y/n

Nora: Nice to meet you Y/n and thank you.

"We walk into the store as i help her with her shopping list she told me she was 82 years old and she has a grandchild she babysits"

Nora: You know when my husband was your age he did the same thing for his elders. You remind me of him when i go home I'm sure he will be glad.

Y/n: Good to see I'm going to give him faith in the next generation.

Nora: It is people like you who brighten others days.

Y/n: Well i wouldn't really say that.

Nora: Why not?

Y/n: I feel i bring bad luck for others.

Nora: You know it only takes one person to change something.

Y/n: Y-Yeah

Nora: And you helping me has made my day easier.

Y/n: Well it is easy to show kindness to others so i do it as often as i can.

"She smiles at me as we make our way to the checkout"

Nora: Thank you young man.

"We make it to the checkout. I help her pay since she was a couple dollars short. We go outside the store"

Nora: Thank you very much. I need get back to my husband.

Y/n: Yeah how about i walk you?

Nora: No No it is fine you have done more than enough for me

Y/n: You Sure?

Nora: Yes Thank you.

"She gives me a smile."

Y/n: Alright goodbye.

Nora: Have a good day

"She smiles walking away. I watch her walk away a little happy i made somebody's day than she stops all the sudden i pay more attention she falls to the ground and i see the killer with a dagger he pulls the dagger out of her and runs away i rush over to her but i was to late she was stabbed in the chest i slam my fist into the ground making my fist bleed with tears in my eyes. I really am bad luck? I call the cops who take her body away i tell them what happened but again there wasn't much they could do but they did get the fbi to join the case."

"I walk home in a bad mood i was happy to make her day but now she is fucking dead her husband is probably waiting for her to get home which will never happen he is old and what is he going to do when he hears his wife was fucking killed! I think to myself as i walk down the street then i hear footsteps running footsteps come from behind me i thought it was the killer so i pull my pocket knife out and turn around ready to stab whoever, but it was actually Nancy she freezes in fear as i hold the pocketknife out. I sigh when i see it isn't the killer"

Nancy: Woah woah! Just me Y/n calm down.

"We keep walking and talking"

Y/n: Yeah never sneak up on me like that.

Nancy: I will note that.

Y/n: Mhm.

Nancy: You seem to be in a worse mood than normal?

Y/n: Yeah which is none of your business

Nancy: Oh come on Y/n could it be that bad?

Y/n: Yes it actually is!

Nancy: Calm down man we are in this together

Y/n: No Nancy We aren't! you want to get yourself fucking killed go ahead! This isn't a fucking game or a horror movie you don't choose when you die!

Nancy: I-

Y/n: No. You want to know why i am in a bad mood? Because another fucking person just died because of me! Not just two but three because whoever finger that was is probably dead my therapist died and now a woman is dead! And you want to come in her like it is a game go ahead and be the next victim!

"I walk off leaving her behind."

(Imagine her husband waiting for her to come home from the store but she is dead and he didn't know so he keeps waiting till the cops come to his door and tell him at such a old age it would break his heart anyways just telling you this to make you sad because this is a sad chapter like R.I.P Nora </3 )

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