💛Like Father,Like Son🖤[Mini-Sode]EP 4: Detention

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Scene 1: Detention & Attention

2 months after the last episode

Teddy:"Professor Malfoy ,Here's the Herbs you requested from Professor LongBottoms office "

"Ah must be so exhausting to complete such simple tasks,if it takes you so long to complete them."

You said snatching the package from his hands as Teddy's eyebrow twitch in annoyance

"These aren't even the right -I knew I should've  done it myself ."

Teddy:"I hand him the note.So maybe the issue isn't me maybe you are -"

You turned to him glaring as Teddy contained his anger

Teddy:"Just tired and accidentally hand me the wrong note ."

He was not going to say that

"The wrong note.I wrote it in front of you and handed it to you and gave you the simple task of handing it to Professor Longbottom.How could I possibly hand you the wrong note ."

Teddy:"Sir.I'm here to help you."

"Doing a lousy job at that."

Before Teddy can finally snapped the Gryffindor and Slytherin students came into class as he just walked away before his body would make him swing .He's getting payed 60 galleons a week to help you which is a lot of money he can use for his family and Godsiblings

"Take your seats .Today we will be learning about how to cast a Proper Patronus Charm.This could save your life -"

Rose Weasley raised her hand as you rolled your eyes

"Ms.Weasley I did not ask a question so there's no reason you should have your hand up ."

Rose:"Please Sir,I wanted to ask about Dumbledore's army that was in this school Harry Potter & you taught Patronus charms during this did you two not ?are we going to do physical lessons?"

The class murmured as Teddy looked awe stricken


The class went silent as you approached Rose Weasley desk as she held her breathe

"Miss Weasley Am I a history book?Is this a history class?"

She put her head and hand down

Rose:"N-No sir."

"Then why do you feel the need to disrupt my class while I'm giving a lecture .You want to know about such nonsense ask your parents but do not disrupt my class again."

Rose:"Sorry sir ."

"5 points from Gryffindor .For your classmates disrespect and inability to hold her tongue ."

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