💛A Giant Heart💛{Father!Hagrid & FTM Reader}

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Contains : Trans Male ,Transphobia Bullying ,Wholeosme Hagrid , 

Your father been nothing but loving and kind since the day you appeared on his door step in a cute basket

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Your father been nothing but loving and kind since the day you appeared on his door step in a cute basket .Since then it's been Magical he made sure you were raise in a house with nothing but love and taught you to accept everyone no matter where they come from or their family trees

He'd introduce you to sweet students he liked which was why you were close to the Golden Trio but he noticed some changes in you

You wore more baggy clothes and cut your hair shorter .He asked about it and you came out to him and without hesitation he said

Hagrid:"That's fantastic so what shall I call you?"

Tears streamed down your eyes as you told him you'd prefer to be called Y/N,He baked you a cake after that

He wanted to throw you a coming out party but you said you'd rather not but he did change your name in the school records asking Dumbledore to do it .All Professors we're sent a letter on what you prefer to go by which went along fine until a Certain Bitch and Bully named Pansy Parkinson wanted to say something

All Professors we're sent a letter on what you prefer to go by which went along fine until a Certain Bitch and Bully named Pansy Parkinson wanted to say something

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Draco was bullying  you about your father  teaching classes

Draco:"Say Y/N must be embarrassing to have your father teaching classes!I wasn't even sure he can read !"

"Shut up Malfoy!My father is a great teacher!"

Draco:"Like father like son I can't tell who's the bigger Dunderhead!"

Hermione:"Let's go Y/N.He's not worth it "

Pansy:"Going to go cry to Daddy D/N!"

The class went silent as your eyes widen

Pansy:"Haha more like ,Like Father like Daughter right Draco?"

You turned to her clearly hurt as Draco and the rest of Slytherin she was trying to impress looked very not amused along with everyone else

Harry:"Not cool Parkinston."

Draco:"Yeah you need to apologize to Y/N."

Pansy was taken a back by her crush not praising her for the taunt

Pansy:"But we were-"

She looked around seeing everyone looking at her with justified judgement

Pansy:"She's not even a real boy!Shes wearing a binder !we literally called her D/N all last year!Now it's suddenly 'Y/N' "

You covered yourself as your eyes began to water a bit

Harry:"Come on Y/N let's go ..."

Had he pulled you away as Draco and her friends was scolding her for what she said

Hagrid saw you crying being taken away as he ended class early luckily Draco said what happened ,He told Professor Snape what she said to you

Hagrid :"She Outted my Son in front of Everyone !Made a fool outta him!Worse part is he made him insecure !Y/N been struggling with this for years !"

Snape:"I assure you Hagrid.Ms.Parkinson would be properly punished for this .I won't take this matter lightly ."

Hagrid:"I hope not .My son is locked in his room and won't come out to even talk to me !"

The world never seem Hagrid so angry

Snape:"I will handle it Hagrid ,go be with your son ."

Hagrid came home lighting up the fireplace as he made dinner your favorite

Hagrid:"Y/N my boy,Will you please come out I made your favorite "

You left your room with puffy red eyes looking at you dad

"Dad...She said .."

Your father picked you up and held you

Hagrid:"Shhh Shh don't believe or think about those vile words for a minute.Come I have something to show you "

He sat you down as he took out two oranges

Hagrid:"You know what these are ?"

"Oranges ?"

Hagrid:"That's right it they are and no matter what anyone says they cannot call them not a Orange "

He cut the oranges in half as one was a Bloody Orange and the other was a regular

Hagrid:"Sure the insides might be different this Orange might not be like it's fellow Oranges but at the end of the day it doesn't make it less of a orange ."

You smiled seeing his point as your eyes watered

Hagrid:"There's Many types of Men Y/N ,Good men ,Bad men ,Brave men,Cowardly ,Those who weren't physically born men and those who weren't but that doesn't make them any less of a man than the next ."

You nodded

"Thanks dad.."

Hagrid:"Anytime ..Son "

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