Being in Love with Severus Snape as Harrys Aunt {Family/Lovestory}Pt.5 1/2

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Goblet if fire timeline

Contains , unknown Pregnancy {Don't get attached  bc I love my angst} , wholesome Snape and Reader being Parents to Harry ,Maternal reader and Petty bickering ,Snape being lackin social cues ,talks of marriage

Contains , unknown Pregnancy {Don't get attached  bc I love my angst} , wholesome Snape and Reader being Parents to Harry ,Maternal reader and Petty bickering ,Snape being lackin social cues ,talks of marriage

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Harry was staying with You and Snape for the summer the Man and the boy had some tension but they were well behaved ..While you were home .Having immature Prank wars and making Petty digs to each other

Snape would never admit though but the boy was growing on him .He acted like he didn't like the boy but when Harry was sick he was Strict on his health Mother Henning him

Hitting Harry with a newspaper whenever the boy tried to get out of bed needlessly

"Uhm Honey..."

Severus: "Which one of you Potters did it ."

"No no it's not that this time .But remember when I said we can try giving Harry contact lenses ?"

Snape:"Yes I'm aware ."

"Well he may be a teeny bit allergic .and his eyes won't stop flickering for us to remove them "

Snape put his newspaper down running to the bedroom seeing Harry's Eyes red and watery as he casted a freeze spell in the boy to remove the lenses brewing the boy a Potion to help with the allergies

Snape:"You Potters I swear ."

"Thank you Sev<3"

He sighed shaking his head

There was cute moments he'd catch you and the boy doing one day he was brewing a potion for a odd sickness you started having lately when he heard something

In the boy's bedroom [Which was just you and Snapes bedroom the boy took over ] he looked through the crack seeing you holding the boy singing him a lullaby

"🎶Hush little Harry ,Don't say a word Uncle
Sev is going to buy you a mocking bird ..🎶And if that mocking bird don't sing auntie Y/N is going to get you a diamond ring 🎶And if that Diamond Ring turns Brass Uncle Sev is going to get you a looking Glass🎶 And if that looking glass gets broke, Auntie Y/N gonna buy you a billy goat,🎶"

He smiled hearing you sing the lullaby as Harry was slowly falling asleep

"🎶And if that billy goat doesn't pull, Uncle Sev gonna buy you a cart and bull.🎶And if that cart and bull turn over, Auntie Y/N gonna buy you a dog named Rover.🎶And if that dog named Rover won't bark, Uncle Sev gonna buy you a horse and cart.🎶And if that horse and cart fall down, well you'll still be the sweetest boy in town🎶"

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