🖤Black Eyes❤️‍🔥[Snape x M!Professor Readed]

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Short smut scene ,Dark!Severus ig

Your POV:

I kept focus while he was under the tree hiding behind a near by bush as I got his features right especially the eyes using my finely sharpen quill and ink to get them just right .Putting the year 1976 in the corner he gets more and more art worthy as the years went by .Sadly the stupid Red hair girl sat by him blocking my view was normal .Been doing this since sorting year .The minute I saw him sit down I hoped he'd be in RavenClaw but he was in Slytherin

Lily:"*Pouty tone*Sorry I'm late Sev,The same RavenClaw Prefect gave me Detention .He didn't even give me a reason this time."

Severus:"*Distasteful tone*Maybe he fancies you."

Lily:"No that's the weird thing ,He seems to target me every-time it's time for us to hang out.he keeps caring that note book around ."

Severus:"*Holds up his Potion book and looks at it *Oh really?"

Lily;"No I mean-*Blushes*I feel like he's stalking me some days ."

Severus:"Ask him he's right over there ."

I saw her look at me as I duck down fast grabbing my ink and things shoving them in my bag about to crawl away and hide when I felt a wand at my back making me gulp

Lily:"Were you spying on us?"


I said nervously my mouth felt dry as I turned around seeing..Him..My heart was beating fast as I looked at my hands

Lily:"Your bag is leaking .."

Crap!I just got this ink !Mom's going to kill me for ruining the bag!

I pulled out the ink bottle as the cap was lost in the stained bag and my quill ruined

Severus:"She asked you a question ."

"I wasn't spying .."


"I was waiting for you two to leave so I can use the tree...I draw the .."

I pointed up at the sky as they looked this got her to lower her wand

Lily:"You could've just asked nicely .didn't have to keep giving me detention for your precious art spot ."

I shrugged as she shook her head sighing grabbing his arm taking him away

Lily:"Come on Sev."

He gave me a annoyed look as they left my face went red from embarrassment

A Year after Lily's Death

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