Chapter 44 - Maybe you should ask Bennett

Depuis le début

"What do you mean, together? Like, all of us?" I point at the Wests and Lilly's parents who are now talking to each other. "Uhn, is Dylan coming?"

I had to bluntly ask, there's no other way of asking this.

"Yeah, why wouldn't he go?" Well, how do I answer to that?

"Right, of course." I playfully hit my head, like I want to say 'what was I thinking, phew.'

"He went to the bathroom, I guess. We're obviously waiting for the stars of the night and Janet invited Harris' family to go as well."

She wasn't kidding when she said all of us. Full house? Oh great, I really hope we don't ruin everyone's night.


It took us another good forty minutes to be able to leave. Between Lilly and Harris manage to be congratulated by every single person in the auditorium, plus Bennett showing up because he was helping organize a few things - which I should be doing too - time went by fast and I was tired by the time we got to the restaurant.

At least I spent time with Audrey, so it wasn't a total waste. She is indeed really cool and I'm glad we get along, as well as Lilly, because it would suck not to have a good relationship with your boyfriend's sibling.

Trust me, I've been there, so I know.

Anyways, as it's a large group, there's a big table waiting for us with a 'reserved' sign, another thing I'm grateful for. I'm starving, so if we had to wait for a table, I'd probably become hangry, you know hungry and angry, which is not a good combination.

I turn into some sort of ferocious animal when I don't eat, like Hulk, but it's not my fault. It's the hormones.

Adults sit on one side, kids on the other and as they chat excitedly, the mood on our side of the table is a bit sour.

Bennett is sitting next to me, making my heart beat fast. We haven't talked since the play started, since he pecked me on the lips, so I'm not sure where his head is at. He's too quiet, like he's going back to his shell and I just hope he doesn't shut me out after what happened.

I don't know if it's a coincidence he sat next to me, but I can't help but think that this is a change from what we usually do. I always sit next to Dylan so this is new.

Dylan is sitting across from Bennett and I swear that if looks could kill, Bennett would be six feet under already. His parents asked what was going on with him, but he told them to leave him alone and I guess they did.

Lilly and Harris are sitting next to Dylan and Audrey is sitting next to me. The six of us stay silent, probably all of us thinking that this is awkward. Apart from Audrey, we were all there when shit happened.

"So, why is everyone so quiet?" Audrey asks and that tells me that she really is clueless.

"Maybe you should ask Bennett." Dylan's eyes are back to his brother.

"I didn't do anything, if much, it was you being an asshole as usual." Bennett is sharp and glares back at Dylan.

"Right, we're here for Lilly and Harris, so can you please not fight?" I ask, looking at Lilly before I glance at both of the West's brothers.

I see the confusion in Audrey's face and I lean closer to her to whisper in her ear. "I'll tell you later." She nods and thankfully lets this go.

"Oh god, why do you all look like you're at a funeral?" My mom is the one asking this very impertinent question and we all look at her.

The Wrong BrotherOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant