Chapter 27 - Nobody said it was easy (Part II)

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"You mean, like playing piano?" My eyes dart to him, completely surprised.

"How do you..." I don't complete my question, because I'm too taken aback that he brought this up. I know now that I was actually thinking about playing piano, but I couldn't get my head around it to accept the thought.

This is what I used to do well and love to this point.

"Sometimes you underestimate how much I know you, Alex."

I open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out of it. I'm completely flattered and astonished that Bennett pays this much attention to me.

I already knew he did, but knowing what I was thinking when I wasn't even sure, that's another level.

It makes me feel so special. Even more than having him taking care of me.

"Come on, let's take a break." He finally says, making me close my mouth and snap out of whatever just happened.

"A break?" I ask, the air shifting to a much lighter one. "Are you taking me to have burgers again, like that one time?"

"No, it's even better." He takes my hand after he throws the experiment away and pulls me towards the door. We go down the hall in the direction where the auditorium is, until I realize that's exactly where he's taking me.

"What are you doing?" I ask, trying to ignore his hand in mine as he continues to walk decisively, pulling me along in a tight hold.

I also try to ignore the fact that it's almost dark in this hallway and if it weren't for him, I'd be scared shitless.

We go inside the auditorium, and we only stop when we're close to the stage, where all the music equipment is. I widen my eyes once again when I see the big piano in front of me and I know what his intentions are.

He sits on the bench in front of it, one leg on each side and pats in front of him, for me to sit as well. I hesitate for a second, but then I sigh and make my way to sit.

I face the keyboard intently as if it's a mystery I need to solve, while Bennett's eyes are focused on me.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask, my eyes still on the piano.

"Because I want to help you." He plays a key and the sound reverberates the entire auditorium.

God, I love the acoustics of this place, but that's not the point here.

"Why?'' He continues to look at me and we fall into silence before he replies. ''Help me with what?"

"Help you do something you love." I nod, not sure how I feel with all of this. "Play."

I stare at the piano, then at him, then at the piano again.

I want to feel the keyboard, I want to have the same adrenaline I used to have when learning a completely new song and getting it right from start to finish for the first time.

"I haven't played in forever." I hesitate.

"I know." He smiles . "You shouldn't have stopped."

"Right, because I was so good." I clearly joke and he smiles. Just my attempt to feel less nervous. It's not working though.

"What? You think people came to see our school play? No, they used to come to listen to you play, except for the actors' parents, obviously." We both snort a laugh.

"That's not true, our play is pretty cool." He nods in agreement, but I can't tell if he's joking or not, but I guess he is.

"Well, that's why I came." He confesses.

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