Chapter 2 - I've already done that

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I woke up on Monday morning feeling excited. Well, as excited as you can be to go to school.

Actually, I've been awake since way too early for my liking, because I was so anxious I couldn't sleep properly.

And trust me, lack of sleep is never a good sign for the day ahead.

I talked to Lilly yesterday to catch up, but we'll only see each other today after an entire summer apart. That's the part I'm happy about.

I'm definitely not looking forward to math though.

Ok, so maybe I'm not that excited after all.

I go take a quick shower and spend some time getting dressed, ironing my hair and applying make-up. I use all the techniques Sarah taught me to have a natural, but awesome look.

I'm wearing a brown plaid skirt - something I wouldn't wear before my makeover - a plain white t-shirt, a cute necklace and a pink cardigan that compliments the entire look, so when I look at myself in the mirror, I smile.

I look decent for someone who barely slept.

I go down the stairs and into the kitchen to find my mom packing my lunch, while she's on the phone with who I assume to be her boss.

She finally hangs up after a couple of minutes and then turns to me. "Good morning, honey."

"Morning mom.'' I smile at her.

"Did you sleep well?" I nod. "Did you take your medicine last night?"

"Yes mom, I always do." I roll my eyes, because I hate when she asks me that. She knows I never forget to take it. It's a touchy subject for me, so I'll leave it for another time. "Are you driving me to school?"

I ask at the same time that I inspect the lunch bag she hands to me. Even though I'm almost going to college, she still insists on packing my lunch. She says I'll soon be gone and she wants to take every opportunity to take care of me.

I'm spoiled, I know.

"Sorry, I have to go to work, we've received the new testing meds at the lab. I'm already late actually." She says, looking at her watch. 

"That's fine. I'll call Lilly to see if she can give me a ride." I make a move to get my phone from my pocket, but I stop midway when I hear what she says next.

"Oh, there's no need. I called Bennett and he's on his way here. He'll give you a ride."

Excuse me, what?


"What's wrong? He's given you rides before." She looks at me like I've grown two heads.

Yeah, but Dylan was with us. This time it will be just the two of us. The West's brothers usually gave me rides whenever they went to school together, but for some reason, I thought that after Dylan graduated, the rides would end and my mom would drive me to school instead.

"You know what? It's fine."

I decided against telling her that I think it's weird to be alone with Bennett, because I wouldn't be able to explain why, so I just grab my lunch and give her a quick hug before I'm out the door.

"Have a good first day of senior year! Can you believe it? My baby is a senior." I hear her say from the kitchen and I half smile to myself.

As soon as I leave, I see Bennett's SUV jeep parking in front of my house.

Perfect timing, as usual.

Bennett is never late.

In fact, ever since we were kids, he lectures us on how disrespectful it is to keep someone waiting. I mean, if you even consider saying five words on the topic a lecture...

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