Chapter 3 - You should get a life

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"Can I ask you a question?" I slightly turn to my side on the seat and I eye Bennett with curiosity.

"Sure." He quickly glances at me before his eyes are back to the road, his hands firm on the steering wheel.

"Who were you sitting with at lunch today?"

"What?" He frowns and I shrug, but I'm curious, so when he came to my locker after lunch to ask if I needed a ride back home after school, I couldn't say no.

Call me nosy, but what can I do? Well, I could mind my own business, that's what I should do.

"I saw you sitting with some people today and I was just wondering—"

"I've sat with them basically every day for the past three years, Alex." He cuts me off, his voice bitter and I see him tightening his grip. "You just never noticed."

"Sorry, I guess I just..." What should I say? That he's right? That I never noticed he even had any friends? I mean, it's not like I don't know who they are, I recognized most of them from other classes, but I never knew they were friends with Bennett.

"Yeah, yeah, you were too busy to care about anything else other than Dylan, I get it."

"That's not it." I quickly say in a low voice, almost feeling offended.

"It's ok, you might not admit that this is the reason you never notice anyone, but I know better. Don't worry, I don't care though." I can't help but feel a bit hurt with his harsh tone.

The car comes to a halt and he pulls the hand brake, still not looking at me.

"You can go now."

"You're kicking me out of your car?" I turn once again to face him, shocked that this is enough for him to make me leave like this, but he just raises an eyebrow and looks at me like I'm stupid.

I think he's overreacting and I'm so ready to argue with him.

"Uhn, we are at your house." I look out the window to see that we are indeed parked in front of my house.

I didn't even notice, because I was too focused on how he got annoyed with a simple question.

Way to embarrass myself. Good job Alex.

I take the seat belt off and get out of his car without saying another word.

I hear the car speeding up before I even have the chance to get to my front door and when I look back, Bennett is already gone.

I don't understand why he's so mad at me. Because I don't know who he's friends with? It's not like he talks to a lot of people, so how would I know?

Ok, maybe I have been too oblivious, but still, I was just asking an innocent question, right?

Forgetting about Bennett, I spent the rest of my day in my room, doing homework. Lilly was right, it's only the first day and we already have assignments to do.

Senior year is supposed to be fun, but yeah, not really.

I went to bed late and I was so exhausted that I almost forgot to take my medicine. Luckly, I remembered before I was knocked out.

I even had a nightmare, where zombies were chasing me, one of them being Mr. Perkins.


If this is a sign of how the year is going to be like, I'm so screwed.

I woke up even more tired than I went to bed and after I got ready for school, I went down the stairs feeling much like a deja vu from yesterday, as I found my mom in the kitchen again.

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