New Book, Reviewed!

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Hello Lovely Readers,

Welcome to The Wrong Brother! If you've been here before, I know it's been forever since my last update. If it's your first time, welcome!!! I'm happy that you're here!

I have reviewed the entire book and wrote the whole thing again! I wasn't really happy where some things were headed and it was becoming a major blocker to continue writing. It's still not perfect, but I know there's no such thing as perfection, so that's also why your opinion matters so much. 

Knowing that you enjoy reading what I write is certainly a boost to keep me going.

I hope you enjoy the new version of TWB as much as I do and to be honest, I'm in love with it! I'm absolutely thrilled to where the story is going. Alex and Bennett are two of my favorite characters in everything I've ever written (posted here or not).

The cover has been updated as well, as the old one didn't speak to me! Let me know your thoughts about it! 

I count on your votes and to make me know if you are enjoying the story and please comment with your thoughts. It makes my day when you do! 

I'll update constantly as the story is already way advanced (not finished though), so stay tuned! I unpublished the old chapters to keep it clean and for you to receive notifications if you're following me - if you're not, it's a good chance to start doing so! :) 

If you have read my other books, I'm so glad that you're here for this new story! If you are new around here, welcome and check out Before she Even Knows and After She Knew on my profile.

So let's get the party started (again)! 

Here is a bit more details on what The Wrong Brother is about.

Alex Harper has a crush on Dylan West since she can remember. No, not a crush, she loves him! Too bad he never noticed her. Not even with the countless dinners at each other's houses, summers and holidays they spent together, thanks to their parents' long time friendship.

That's about to change! Now that she's a Senior, Alex decided it was time for a makeover. She learned how to properly wear makeup, her looks have improved and she had a haircut in what feels like forever. Not to mention that she feels more confident. Sometimes at least...

Alex version 2.0 as she would say.

Considering Dylan will stick around as he's going to college close to home, hopefully, he will finally see her as more than the girl he grew up with. A girl can dream, right?

When summer is over and Dylan lays eyes on her new version, that dream might just come true.

Well, that is if Bennett West doesn't get in the way.

Meet Dylan, your typical jock, popular, adored by many and Keithton High School's golden football star, not to mention the good looks. Damn, the looks! No wonder why Alex loves him so much, her knees get weak just to look at him, just like almost every other girl in school.

Now, Bennett couldn't be more opposite from his brother. He sure has the good looks too, i his own way at least, but that's all they have in common. He's obsessed with science, doesn't like sports (or parties), doesn't have many friends, straight A student, always in the lab and adored by his teachers. People call him weirdo to say the least.

Bennett is always the quiet one in the corner. That's how he's always been.

In a whirlwind of events and deep conversations, Alex finds herself getting closer to Bennett and a renewed childhood friendship starts to surface, just to remind her that maybe is not so weird as people say. Still quiet, but not weird. 

When Dylan starts paying attention to Alex, Bennett is worried that she might get her heart broken. He knows his brother and doesn't approve his ways with girls. He doesn't approve his brother, period. It's not like they get along anyway. 

He also has his own reasons to disapprove their relationship, but maybe Alex will figure it out when it's too late.

It's not because they are closer now that he has the right to judge her relationship with his brother. Why on earth does he care anyway?

It can only be envy of his brother for all the attention he gets, right? It's not her fault Bennett doesn't have Dylan's charisma. 

Add to that a secret only Alex's best friend knows and drama is bound to happen.

Join Alex in her road to dreams coming true and then crashing down, just to realize that maybe she has been dreaming about the wrong person all along.

First chapter is about to be published! 

Happy reading!

Love always,


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