Chapter 14 - She's not Alex (Part I)

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Hello Lovely readers,

Are you ready for Bennett's POV? As this would turn out to be a really long chapter, I'm doing it in 2 parts (both posted together).

I hope you enjoy :)


Bennett's POV

I'm minding my own business, like I always do when I see with the corner of my eyes the tall blonde girl that stops next to my locker.

She crosses her arms over her chest and keeps looking at me in a bossy way that makes me even more annoyed than I already am.

"What do you want, Lilly?" I ask without even looking at her, at the same time that I grab the books I'll need for my next classes.

I'm not exactly being rude, I'm definitely not a rude person, but I'll keep it short, secretly wishing she will leave me alone.

Don't get me wrong, I like Lilly. I like her enough to consider her my friend, but that doesn't stop me from getting completely irritated because I already know what she is going to say and I don't want to talk about it.

"You have to tell her!" She practically yells and I sigh.

I look both ways because she's talking too loud and I don't want people to hear her and assume things. Not that anyone would care about my life, no one ever cares about me in this school, but I'm not taking any chances.

"No, I don't." She rolls her eyes at me, taking a step closer. "There is nothing to tell."

"Bennett, you have to tell her that you—"

"Don't." I cut her off at the same time that I close my locker with force, wanting to shut her up. I don't want her to say what she's about to say.

"But she's going out with Dylan, you have to say something." I can see she's frustrated, but that's her problem, not mine.

I'm beyond frustrated as well, but you don't see me going around cornering people.

"Don't you think I know that?'' My eyes dart to her and I snap a little, which is also unlike me. I don't snap easily, but this topic makes me feel so on the edge that I can't help it. ''They are doing a pretty bad job hiding that they are hanging out."

I'm not an idiot. I know that Alex and Dylan are going on dates behind everyone's back. Even a blind person could see it from a mile away. Dylan was never good at keeping his dates a secret and it wouldn't be different with Alex.

Dating is not meaningful to him. It's as simple as that. He would ask a complete stranger to be his girlfriend if she was nice enough to him for five seconds.

His list of girlfriends is longer than the amount of books I've read in my life and trust me, the list is really long.

So, of course it wouldn't be different with Alex, which pisses me off even more. Bragging about how many girls he has dated is part of who he is, he can't help it. I've scolded him more times than I can count because of this, but it's not like he cares about what I think.

We don't get along anyway. We never did.

As for Alex, well, she's acting like a kid, giggling every time he even looks her way, so it's impossible not to notice.

Not that it's any different from before they were seeing each other. Alex has been into Dylan since we were kids, but she's just oblivious of the fact that everyone knows about it. She thinks it's a secret and I would probably think her obliviousness is cute if it weren't she liking someone else we're talking about, especially when that someone is my brother.

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